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(The house of Mr Owolabi was quite sorrowful; Mr owolabi had no appetite while his loving wife had a fever, what a bad day)

Driver: Why is this house like this today, This has always been a house full of joy and happiness, anyone who enters this house whether it is to work or to seek for assistance they always come out with a smile, but today i don't understand what is happening, so it's true that the rich also cry, money is not everything but happiness is. But this is a very nice family, they are God fearing, hmmm what i don't seem to understand is why God decided to test this family, why do God test the good people, when there are other people who needs to be tested and taught a good lesson, well awamaridi ni olorun wa, hmmm it seems like jumoke took their happiness away, i wish i can do something to cheer them up. I will keep praying for them, that's all i can do. (He left the scene shaking his head)


Vera: Please the both of you should eat something, do you want to kill me, please am on my kneels eat

Mr owolabi: See Vera if i don't eat anything its still better, but for this woman here to eat something is what i want, she has been sick for some days now, does she want to kill me.

(Mrs Owolabi who slept on the couch and placed her head on her husband's laps started crying silently, she had no energy again since she was sick)

Vera: All you do is cry ehn, whats this now please stop crying, The doctor said its not good for your health.

Mrs Owolabi: Please bring my jumoke back (in tears)

Vera: There is no way i can bring jumoke back she is dead, the earlier you realize it the better it will be for you.

Mrs Owolabi : (Sobs) Please bring jumoke back to me

Mr Owolabi: That's what you ve been saying since we got back from the hospital, what's wrong with you, jummy is gone (He shouted and stood up, placing her head on the couch) If you don't want to accept it, i won't force you, do whatever pleases you, kill yourself in the process and leave me a widower ( He hissed and went upstairs angry) As if she is the only one who is affected by jumoke's death, she is our daughter, our daughter not yours only. (He sat on the bed crying bitterly)

Mrs Owolabi: ( Tears coming out of her eyes like a rushing tap, talking faintly) Honey, Honey, i just want my jummy back nothing more, please bring my jummy back.

Vera: You see what you have done, you have provoked your husband, ehhh what has happened to my sister, God please take control am tired of all this, so upon seeing how angry your husband is with you, all you can say is 'bring jummy back' can't you see that he is tired of all this, if your husband is tired of this your behavior, think of me am more than tired, please just eat something, i beg you in the name of God who you cherish the most please try to eat something so you can use your drugs.

Mrs Owolabi: Vera

Vera: Ehn sister

Mrs Owolabi: Please bring jummy back home

Vera: Ahhh, OK i will sister trust me, i just spoke with her now and she said she will be back home in the next 30 minutes

Mrs Owolabi: (She stood up immediately) really will jummy be back in the next 30 minute?

Vera: Yes sister it's the truth have i ever lied to you, so please seat down and eat your food so that jummy won't meet you like this

Mrs Owolabi: (Smiling, she went to the clock and stared at it waiting for jumoke) Am not eating until jumoke reaches here.

Vera: Why won't you eat aunty, do you think am lying to you, you yourself know that am not lying, in case you don't know jummy said that if you refuse to eat your food, she won't come again, she prefers staying where she is.

Mrs Owolabi: (Answered Immediately) Why will she stay where she is, are they taking care of her enough where she is, vera you know nowhere is like home, so please tell her to come home immediately, am waiting for her, bring my food to me, if it is to eat that's simple but make sure you tell her to come home okay.

Vera: Sure sister she will, Let me bring your food, I prepared your favorite food jollof rice and chicken, i fried the chicken the way you always tell me to fry it, it's very tasty.

(The dinning was set and Mrs Owolabi started eating as fast as she could so that her daughter would come back quickly to her)

Vera: Sister takes it easy, you will choke ooo, eat slowly

Mrs Owolabi: Yes am eating slowly (Laughing in an abnormal way) Sebi jumoke will be back as soon as am true eating.

Vera: Yes sis, trust me now, as soon as you finish eating and using your drugs, you will meet jumoke right beside you.

Mrs Owolabi: Okay

(Vera was relieved a little after her sister finished the food and asked for more, she gave Mrs Owolabi her drugs, after which Mrs Owolabi fell into a deep sleep because part of her drugs contained sleeping peels, and then she called their family doctor telling him how she lied to Mrs Owolabi and the changes she noticed in her)

Vera: (In tears) Sister mi, you were not like this before, who did this to you, seeing you and your family like this makes my heart so bitter, whoever did this to you shall be punished in Jesus name. I can't believe this has happened to you, i pray you get well soon.





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