Highly Sensitive Angela

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Scene 13

(On Sunday morning, Samson rushed back to the hospital to see Angela, he had slept in the hospital the day before, so after going home to freshen up he rushed back to the hospital, he met jumoke sitting in the reception of the hospital which made him more annoyed)

Jumoke: Samson (She moves close to him) I know you are angry but please talk to me, am very sorry about yesterday

Samson: (He sighed and left her without uttering a word)

Jumoke(following him) Am really sorry Samson, this your silence is killing me, please you can hit me if you want ,punish me, I know everything that happened is my fault, please talk to me don't be silent.

Samson: Hmmmm (He pushed her away and walked past her)

Jumoke: Samson please now, okay hit me , hit me, I don't like how you are silent, please hit me (She picked his hand and used it to hit her face)

Samson: Leave me alone Jumoke (He shouted looking very angry) Everything that happened Is all your fault, your friend is still in there fighting for her life, instead of you to be busy praying, you are here begging me as if that is the solution to what happened, I don't blame you at all, I blame myself for allowing you people to celebrate my birthday, do you even know the gratitude of what you did, you have made my birthday the worse day of my life, the day my two friends almost killed themselves over me, and what if Angela dies, my birthday will be a day of mourning instead of happiness to people, so don't just come close to me, I really can't stand you, you made my birthday a success and you ruined it yourself, so please am begging you stay away from me and also stay away from this hospital, you have ruined my birthday don't ruin my life also please ( He moved away from her)

Jumoke: But Samson I didn't do it intentionally,I have been praying since last night and I know angela will be fine, what did the doctor say

Samson: Sorry won't solve anything and for your information the doctor hasn't said anything either so it will be better if you continue praying because if something bad happens to her, you will have yourself to blame, and I don't even want to see you around here until Angela gets well, so it will be better if you leave orelse.(He left to sit in Angela's ward)

Jumoke: Orelse what, what does he want me to do, I have prayed and I regret my actions, should I kill myself, am not leaving here until Angela gets well, I wont leave.(She sat down in the reception)

Samson: Oh God, father let angela regain consciousness,I don't know why jummy did this to her when she knows her friend cant swim (The doctor came in while he was still talking to himself)

Doctor: Hello young man

Samson: Doctor good morning, any improvement

Doctor: Yes there is, I wanted to talk to you this morning but I was told you rushed home to freshen up

Samson: yes sir, I had to go home orelse my grandma will be worried

Doctor: Yes you are right, well angela is fine, she is just sleeping, she will be discharged tomorrow.

Samson: That's good, thanks doctor, thanks so much.

Doctor: You are welcome, she will be awake some minutes from now

Samson: okay sir

Jumoke: What did the doctor say

Samson: Just thank your star that she is fine

Jumoke: Thank you Jesus, I have already vowed not to eat until she is fine

Samson: Whatever, she will be awake in some minutes ,let me go and get what she will eat once she wakes up okay(He left)

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