Sol blaze info (look at the picture)

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Face Bolt: Blaze
The Face Bolt depicts the Sun, the star in the center of our Solar System. The design is of the scorching-yellow Sun which seems to have an "eye" in the center in a vortex-like shape whilst on a red Face Bolt. Upon closer inspection, the word SUN can be found on the surface of the sun.

Energy Ring: Blaze
Weight: 3.0 grams
Blaze is a translucent red and orange in color and features a scorching flame design on opposite sides. There are also magma-like designs between the flames.

Fusion Wheel: Sol
Weight: 31.7 grams
Sol is painted a metallic red and is separated into four sections, each carrying three leaf-like spikes; each second spike features a yellow highlight for a grand total of twelve spikes. The spikes also have gaps on them from a front-side view.

Spin Track: Variable 145 (V145)
Weight: 3.6 grams (1.0 grams - little changing plate)
Variable 145 (V145) is made of two parts. One part, a small changing plate can be used to change Sol Blaze into two different modes, "Attack" and "Defense"

Performance Tip: Around Sharp (AS)
Weight: 0.8 grams
Around Sharp (AS) is a Sharp Performance Tip with a free spinning bowl-like ring surrounding it. For Stamina and Defense, it has good Stamina and the bowl helps it to regain its Balance. It resembles Wide Defense but the tip performs like Sharp.

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