chapter 2: things are about to get real

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Man how time goes fast, it been 5 years, he couldn't believe how many things have passed so suddenly, he now is a special agent of the WBBA, it was surprisingly easy to get in, one day he was camping in a forest when sudenly, point robbers embushed him from every dirrection, of course that didn't intimidate him as he beat them all in three seconds, what suprised him graitly was that non of them were point thugs but the were sommekind of WBBA soldiers, they were looking for powerful bladers to recrute, he joined withouth question, like that he gained an apartment, money, confort, peace and respect.

His stay in there was a huge succes as he was sent on lots of missions regarding being a security guard, investigating stuf like the dark nebula organisation althought that was taken by his friend Tsubasa.

Althought, Naruto's missions were the most difficult since they were the ones who decide the fate of something, for example at the L-drago, he had to take care of all dark nebula bladers by himself, one hundred of talented trained soldiers, that was a pain in the ass, not beacause they were powerful, but beacause he had to stay undercover by doing this.

He also did this at the organisation in the united states, but wherever he go, there is always this kid Ginga Hagane that would folow him, not only he despised that kid for personnal reasons, but the fact that he always have him under his eyes was prety annoying, he had to guard his ass untill he beat the Hades bey which was defeated after fifteen minutes! And on top of that he didn't even beet him alone, he had his friend to help him, althought he got to admit, that guy had skills but knows very little how to use them unlike his former enemy Ryuga.

Anyways, right now he was at the dirrection of the dirrector of the WBBA's office, he got in to find a lot of decoration inside, the emblaim of the WBBA at the wall behind the desk of the dirrector, a window right next to him and there were achivment frames of the dirrector on another wall.

_you called for me sir? Asked Naruto, on the chair was the dirrector with a respectable suit and stuff, he was bald, had green eyes and around them were wrinckles, he also had somme on his forehead, he had a silver mustache.

_Ah Naruto, my boy, how are you today? Asked the dirrector
_i'm fine sir. Said Naruto
_you need to lay of son, that's exacly why i asked for your présence, here have a drink. Offered the dirrector as he took out his flask and began drinking, Naruto deadpanned "again with the drinking?" he thought, seriously how can he consentrate while drinking?

_no thank you sir. Replied the blond
_well your loss, this was somme damn fine wine, as for why i sommuned you here, i already told you, to take a break, your going to have a vacation kid. He said, Naruto raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that at all, he was working nonstop since 5 years, what bringed this change?

_ if i may ask sir, why? Asked Naruto curious about the opinion of his boss.
_isn't it obvious kid? You are the most active agent we had, you never failed a mission and you worked non stop for five years, no one has better records than you do, so you do deserve a break. He said smilling, at the end it wasn't a request, it was an order.

_ i understand, thank you sir, when do i start? Said Naruto
_right now you have 4 months, and beafour i forget, take this. Said he as he handed Naruto a card, naruto inspected it then asked
_what is this?

_an infinite card, it has all our company's money, use it however you want, we will pay. He said and Naruto almost chocked on his spit, what in the name of all that is holy is his crazy boss thinking.

_sir you cannot be serious about this, you are giving a 16 year old kid all the money the WBBA has gathered over the years, what if it get lost?! Exclaimed Naruto

_ it wont and if it is lose which is unlikly beacause you are a responsability freak, and on the plus side we have a spare one. Replied the dirrector waving him off, Naruto gaped then replied
_thank you, you won't regret it sir, i won't let anything happen to it.

_ i know that i don't need to worry about anything, now go on Naruto run free, have a girlfriend and get laid son, that is the best way to relaxation! Said he as Naruto growed a heavy blush "he just adviced a 16 year old teen to have sex and proposed that i have a drink! what the hell is wrong with this guy?!" He thought, then he said what he wanted to say for years
_sir i believe you have a drinking problem.  then the dirrector laughed loudly (yes it's pixis from slap on titan)
_hoh! Oh that's rich! He said while laughing, Naruto got out leaving his boss and his crazyness.

He got into his dorm which he had to himself and gathered his stuff at the same bag he used to escape his old familly, speaking of them, he heared that they got interogated about the fact that they had lost their son, it was at that moment that they realise their neglect and had regreted everything, all the neighborhood were so disgusted with them that they didn't want anything to do with them, their image had been completly ruined which made them move on to a new place, where he didn't know and didn't bother to. His sister on the other hand seemed to have lost all reh bratty attitude and made it her goal to find him bring him back to the family so they can apologies and be a loving family like they allways should have been. The mear thought made him disgusted, it'll be a cold day in hell if he ever came back to those scum! He knew all those informations because aparently, Setsuna was now Ginga Hagane's girl friend and he was determined to help her find him, another reason he disliked the brat. Hell they were perfect for each other, brash knucklheads and both rushed without thinking.

Naruto throwed the bag over his shoulder and walked out of the building, he began walking on the street, he never bothered to buy a car since he liked walkig and traveling by foot.

_alright, where do i go? Said Naruto, he was confused on where he should spend his vacation, he began thinking
_maybe i should go to china, i always wanted to go there. He said, he thought about it, then he nodded, china it is.

Now, was the most difficult part, he had to go on an airplain, those things made him shudder, Humans are not made to fly, that was his opinion, being in the sky and the crashing risk? Nope not a fan, but he had to do it, moving by boat is expencive and there was one thing that he doesn't like and it is wasting money. A feature he probably got from his old man.

He began walking into the airport and paid his seat in the next plain that was going to fly... in two days...Damn it! Oh well.

He got into a hotel and paid two nights, then he got in his room and laid himself on his bed, after five minutes he got into the balcony and began admiring the beautiful aluminated city, he looked at the stars then smilled "what a peaceful night" he thought as he relaxed, it got even more beautiful when he noticed a brilliant shooting star.

He continued to look then he noticed after a momment that the shooting star was traveling at the earth dirrection, no hold on, at the city's dirrection! No screw that it was coming to his dirrection! "Oh shit!" He thought.

He then covered his face with his arms and braced for empact, however, it never came, he took a peak to see that the bright star had desapeared, "what in the name of... that couldn't have been a halucination now would it?" He thought.

He tried to serch for clues bt he didn't find any, so he shrugged it off then got back inside his room and setteled down to sleep unaware that his bey was having an unfamiliar glint.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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