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Your POV


I awoke to people laughing so I got up, looked around and saw it was... no one..

I looked at the sleeping bags and pewds and cry weren't there. marzia was but the boys weren't. "Marzia!" I whispered Loud enough for her to awaken. "hmm?" she said tiredly. "what happened to the boys?" I asked. no reply. I assumed she fell back asleep and decided to leave her be. I rummaged through my pack to find a piece of paper and a pen to leave marzia a note, saying that I was going to go look for the boys because they've mysteriously disappeared and her not to worry and that I left her gun under her pillow just in case. I put the note under a rock slightly so she'll notice it and read it while I'm gone. I picked up my gun and started to go toward the direction of the noise I heard when I awoke earlier.

*~Time skip~*

I've been walking for thirty minutes and nothing. nothing but trees and more trees. oh look! it's another tree!. I'm SOOO happy to see ANOTHER tree. I said sarcastically out loud for no particular reason. I stopped and thought for a minute. I should head back in case they are already back I just passed them. I headed back talking to myself.

Marzia POV


I woke up to nobody in the little camp. I started to panic. then I stopped. took a deep breath. and looked around. there was a note by my pillow under a little pebble. I picked it up and began to read.

*~time skip activated BOOP~*

Ok. I fished reading. lifted up my pillow and grabbed my silver pistol and grab the little belt that cry called a holster for my gun, rapped it around my waist, inserted the gun and waited. I was beginning to be bored so I decided to look for some paper to draw on because I missed puga-chan and edgar and I wanted to draw them. I could only find a little pink pen and so I used the back of the note _____ wrote to me and began drawing.

Cry's POV


Me and pewds woke up at the same time. the girls were still sleeping so we both decided to leave them alone. "hey pewds. wanna go hunting? so when the girls wake up they'll have some food to fill there empty stomaches." I asked In a whisper. "yeah sure" said pewds and grabbed his gun and walked toward me. alright let's go!

Your POV


I could see the camp now. I still only saw marzia. she was awake though scribbling on a piece of paper. hmm ill go over there and ask if the boys came back and then left again. "hey marzia!" I yelled. it scared her she grabbed her gun and pointed it toward me. but didn't shoot. "oh. sorry" she said in her cute Italian accent. "nah it's ok. good reflexes though!" I complemented. "aha thanks" she said looking down. "any luck?" she said asking about the search. I sighed "sadly no. but I was going to ask if you saw them?" "oh! well no. I woke up five minutes ago read your note found my gun looked for paper and a pen and started to draw." "Oh what did you draw?" I asked. "I just drew puga-chan and Edgar." She said holding up the picture. "oh.. you miss them. don't you." yeah..." well I had two cats before this. there names were A.K and kitty. they've probably gotten out a window by now and someone fed them and kept them. witch I'm totally fine with that. I just hope they aren't dead." I said oh was all she said. well enough chit chat. what should we do next?"


Here y'all go guys! a long chappie in my opinion. god my fingers hurt. well ima go and watch some YouTube video's now.

Don't forget to....





Cry X Reader Book #2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt