Category Winners (I)

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First of all, congrats to everyone who had the courage to share their stories with the world! But we had to pick a story from each and most of them were close calls so please don't be upset if you didn't win, you still rock!

And here goes the category winners who will compete to win "The Story of the Year" award:

Short Story-Historical Fiction Category Winner

"Iron Jawed Angels" by lexyloves07

Science Fiction Category Winner

"G.A.L.E. Force - Duology" by Perci_snickedy 

Fanfiction Category Winner

"The Bad Boy Is Mine" by StalkersAdmirer 

Mystery and Thriller Category Winner

"The Brunswick Institution" by readerofftheradar

Humor Category Winner

"Chronicles of a Wineaux: Chicken Soup Can't Heal Cell Phones" by EricaSumner13 

Teen Fiction Category Winner

"Begin Again" by wallflower_tris

The rest of the results will come in the following chapters as the judges let us know. But we thank sincerely our admins and judges for their efforts!

*P.S. this might cause a delay in the overall winner results, please bear with us.

The Summer Awards (Judging)Where stories live. Discover now