Final Results

95 14 12

The long-awaited moments for some, I hope. I've always been sincere about "an-almost win" , "brilliant effort" and stuff like that, but if you find it cheesy, I can at least tell you this: Your story is in the final 9 out of 100 stories. It's rationally quite an accomplishment. 

But of course, we had to choose a winner: for categories, and now, for overall. "The Story of The Year". Such an impressive title it sounds, at least to me. Yet it doesn't make other stories by any means less amazing. It's just to appreciate one of the quality-written stories, the one that has a special shine, to admit.

On the other hand, since a lot of stories had close points, we'd like to announce two of them first. Honorable mentions.

And those stories are...

"Alive" by thirteenhoursofpain and "Iron Jawed Angels" by lexyloves07 

Now, the big winner. Drum rolls please.

We'd like to congratulate...

TheWhiteSeries for giving us a wonderful read with "White: Dangerous Princes, Dark Secrets"

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