The Escape Part 2

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"We don't have long. So choose now. Do you go of your own free will, or not. But make no mistake about it, the end result will be the same. You're coming with me."

She was starring at him like he had been staring at her earlier, like he had just grown two heads and a tail. Standing he was even more impressive than when he had been sitting. Her head barely reached his broad shoulders. It was a bit much honestly. There was a determination in his look and his jaw was set and hard. She forced a swallow- more like a gulp. Unable to say a word. Just starring up into those pale eyes of his.

Charles had hoped she would choose herself and choose correctly. So the raspy sigh that followed was testament to that, his big hand snagged her elbow as he suddenly turned her around, and tugged her along giving her no choice in the matter. She dug in her feet trying to stop him, he just tugged harder. Her hand suddenly reaching out, her hand placed to his wrist, fingers circling it half way.

"Wait!" He was almost to the point of tossing her over his shoulder. It would certainly be less of a hassle, and by the looks of her, he judged she'd not weigh that much. But the wait had him turning around to face her. "We don't have time for this bull shit."

She took a deep breath, before rushing out. "There might be help waiting." He cocked his head to the side, his eyes narrowing. "Might? I thought you said it was you, only you." He didn't miss a thing, now did he. She rushed on babbling a little for the first time, but she knew she had to get it out and quickly, before he set forth once more and it'd be to late.

"I left a note." Charles just studied her before his brow shot up again. "A note?" She gave a quick nod before she rushed on.

I'm the one that tended to Mr. Rackham's wounds. I overheard that Billy along with some others would be trying to get you rescued tomorrow, but I wasn't so sure they would be successful. I knew you were suppose to stand trial, or that was the word on the street at the time, and they would call for a Doctor to tend to your injury. Rogers is in a poor state because.... I know this because I was called to see to his injury as well. He's not even conscious...." There was more but she knew that would have to wait. They didn't have time for it all... not now anyway. She dragged in a deep breath before she continued. "So, I made sure I'd be the one to treat you. I left a note for Mr. Rackham and Anne Bonny. I knew if I talked it over, they might stop me. So, there might be help, or there might not."

Charles just studied this strange woman, this little Doctor. He didn't have a clue who she was, but apparently, she knew him. He'd have been fortunate to have such a surgeon on his crew. She was his doctor alright. She had sealed her fate in the part she now played, and apparently as a Doctor and treated others. It came in for more handy than he would have thought. She could listen quietly while others saw her as nothing more than helping them. Look what she had found out in a manner of a day or two. She made an excellent spy, even though she didn't realize it yet, oh but she would. She certainly would.

She didn't look like she could hold her own against a pirate, and he could feel with her in his hold, how fragile her bones were, but she had an inner strength and was more courageous than some of those he battled at sea. Even while he'd barely tugged her along, even digging her heels in, she'd not been able to stop him.

She was easy enough to handle, but he needed two hands for what he might face outside that door. He didn't think she could help that much, not in a physical fight against men. He could teach her later. What she didn't know could be taught. Once he had her safely on his ship, and they'd set sail that is. Looked like he'd be kidnapping the woman. Wouldn't be the first time, and not like she could get away, not unless she thought she could swim across the ocean.

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