Chapter 1

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Ruby was the girl everyone was jealous of. She has gorgeous brown wavy locks and electric blue eyes. At Jackson High School she was the most popular girl.

I walked through the halls dreading another boring day at school.

"RUBY!!" Two voices screamed in union. It was Melissa and Harper, my two best friends.

"Hey guys!" These guys always make school well... a little less boring.I linked arms with them as we sashayed down the hall earning us glances from the less popular groups.

Sadly, we had to part out ways to get to get to our lockers. I had English first block with the hottest guy in our school, Blaise. We talked now and then not like it was a big deal or anything (IT TOTALLY IS!!!). After I had gathered up all the supplies I needed for English I slammed my locker shut.

Standing there was Blaise, no joke. ( Not that I would joke about that anyway because that's just plain cruel)

"Hey." Blaise said as cool as ice. His black hair fell over his luscious emerald eyes. I swear his eyes sparkle. I'm not a liar okay?? Oh and just because it's eyes might sparkle I don't think he's a vampire. I mean come on, his skin would sparkle too. HA I got you. Wait where was I? Right!

"Hi Blaise." I smiled. "So what are you doing here?" I asked trying to be nonchalant.

"Walking you to English?" He said with a wink. God I wanted to melt.

"Well then let's go or we'll be late" I said daring to grab his wrist.

"Woah there Speedy Gonzales!" He said laughing and pulling his wrist away. "We have plenty of time to slow down and chat." He said pointing to the clock then putting his arm over my shoulders. OVER MY SHOULDERS! Then... pulled me in!! SQUEEE!!

"Hey so can I ask you something?" He asked looking nervous.

"Anything you want." What's he going to say? We can't hang out? Advice to getting a girlfriend? My life was over.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked handing me a jewelry box.

Did he really say that??? I'm going to faint! " Of course! Who am I to turn a hot guy like you down?" Did I say that out loud? Oops! My face turns bright red as he laughs.

"Here take this." He says handing me the jewelry box. " Open it when you get home." "See you later!" He said as he took his seat two tables away in English.


"Open it open it open it OPEN IT!!" Harper screamed.

"Shhh! My mom will hear!" I whispered. Melissa and Harper hadn't left me alone since I told then the story if what had happened between me and Blaise.

"Pwease?" Melissa quipped it pouting her lip.

"Fine fine as long as you too stay quiet!" I whisper-yelled.

"Yaaay!" They silently cheered in union.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and opened the box. When I opened my eyes to see what was inside I gasped bringing both hands to my mouth.



Hey guys, I know this is a short chapter I'm just testing out this idea I have and seeing where it goes. Please comment what you think of it so far and be honest. But not too honest. I already have a major plot twist in mind. And yes Ruby is one of those typical "popular girls" that like to go shopping for shoes, blah blah blah. Anyway I hope you enjoy and I hope to see you later. Ta Ta!

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