Chapter 2

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"Oh... my... god" I whispered. It was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. It was gold necklace in a vine pattern with a few pearls.

I held it up to let Melissa and Harper see.

"That's gorgeous! It will complement your eyes and everything!" Melissa said excited.

"What are you waiting for? Put it on!" Harper screamed.

"Alright all right calm down you two. Help me get it on." I said smiling.

I lifted up my hair while Harper and Melissa attempted to put it on. They both wanted to do it so it took a lot longer than it should have with their arguing. Finally they settles their argument with rock paper scissors. Like always, Harper won. After what seemed like an eternity I was able to put my hair down.

"You. Look. Gorgeous!" Melissa screamed grinning ear to ear.

"Guys didn't I tell you-" I started to say as my door opened. I cringed waiting for it to come.

"Ruby...sigh.... I told you and your friends to be quiet I'm on a business call." My mom said barging into my room. "Oh and what a pretty necklace! Alright well I'm off...and please Ruby.... stay quiet this time. For me?" She pleaded.

"Yeess mother I'm sorry" I apologized glaring daggers at Melissa and Harper. It was obvious they were trying to contain their laughter. I swear I was going to kill them.

"Good girl." My mom said and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her.

"I'm sooo going to kill you guys." I muttered once the coast was clear.

"You love us too much to do that." Melissa teased.

"You've got me there." I said breaking into a smile. I just couldn't take these guys seriously. "Alright you two, time to shoo I need some beauty rest" I told them shoving them out the door.

"Well then!" Harper humphed marching out the door.

I just laughed and shook my head making my hair fly everywhere. I flopped (like a fish) on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. This is perfect. This is what I want my life to be like all the time. Two best friends, a kind (hot) boyfriend nothing could change this.

The next day I finally got to sleep in. I mean it's Saturday people! Anyway I took a 15 minute shower. I blow dried my hair and just left it as is. I had what people would call "mermaid hair". I took that as a chance to be able to let it sit. I took a tube of cherry lipstick and lightly applied it. I took my favorite blue eye shadow and applied it. After I was satisfied I ran downstairs.

To my surprise Blaise was siting at the table having breakfast. How did he even get here?

"Morning sleepyhead." Blaise said looking excited.

"What are you doing here?" I asked pleasantly surprised.

"Making you breakfast of course!" He said motioning to the plate of eggs, ham, toast, sausages and orange juice.

"Aww how sweet!" I mean who does that right when you start dating? He was so sweet!

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