Say Something - Link X Volga

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Say something I'm giving up on you.

Link sat alone, barely paying attention to the meeting Zelda had called to discuss battle tactics. He knew what her final strategy would be: him battling Cia and defeating her with the Master Sword. He was sick of it.

I'll be the one if you want me to.

Every time he tried to get a break, something important would come up and he'd have to deal with it, and Zelda... Well, she had her own issues to go through, being the Princess of Hyrule.

Anywhere I would have followed you.

He stared down at his own hands, hands that had killed thousands. With the growing threat, thousands would follow, and he was tired of all the death. Too many had been lost already.

Say something I'm giving up on you.


The hero looked up at Zelda, who, along with Impa and all the other captains, was watching him, concerned.

"Are you alright?"

And I am feeling so small.

Link shook his head, lowering it once again, "I don't know how much longer I can go on like this."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I can't do this. I can't be the one who has to solve everything. I never asked to be the Hero in the first place!" Link couldn't prevent his outburst, clapping a hand over his mouth as it left his lips. He glanced between the commanders, seeing them all staring at him in shock. Link turned on his heel and fled.

It was over my head.

The Hero ran as fast as his legs would carry him, away from Zelda, away from his own responsibilities. He found himself drenched from the hammering rain pouring down on him, mud staining his boots. He slowed only to untie Epona and swing himself onto her back.

I know nothing at all.

Together, horse and Hylian raced away from the camp. Link clung to Epona's mane, trusting her to take him anywhere but where he was constantly relied on. The hero buried his head in Epona's neck, a single tear sliding down his cheek. A crash of thunder boomed over his head and the brown mare let out a frightened whinny from the volume.

And I will stumble and fall.

Louder still boomed the thunder, but Link only pushed Epona faster. Hyrule Field was long gone and he was swiftly approaching the Eldin Caves. A flash of lightning crashed behind Epona and she let out a shrieking neigh of fear, tossing the green-clad hero into the mud and fleeing back towards the camp.

I'm still learning to love.

Link pushed himself up, the soaked ground making him slip several times. His limbs dragging from exhaustion, he hauled himself into the entrance of the caves, shivering violently. Another flash of electricity lit up the cavern, revealing him to another hidden in the darkness.


Just starting to crawl.

The boy swung around staring at the scarlet dragon knight sitting on a rock not far from him. Shocked, Link staggered backwards, colliding with the stone wall.

"What are you doing here? And alone?"

"I could ask you the same question, Volga," Link scowled, pushing away from the wall, staring out over the field.

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