Safe And Sound - Volga, Link, Ghirahim - Modern (Sort of)

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I remember tears streaming down your face

Link whimpered in pain. He had been out exploring the caves in the forest he lived in, and a rockslide had pinned his leg to the floor. Agony lanced up his limb every time he tried to move it. Because he lived alone, he had never met anyone who would help him.

When I said I'll never let you go

He remembered his mother carrying him when he was about 5. She had taught him how to survive in the wild from an early age, and even now, at the tender age of 7 years old, he had become a master of the forest. Two years prior, something had attacked their home, Ordon Village, as she, wounded as she was, had carried him into the forest, where she died of blood loss. He had wept for days after, before building her a grave of stones near to where his little den was. He had been orphaned ever since.

When all those shadows almost killed your light.

His tiny village had been full of Hylians like himself, along with many with powers unimaginable to most. Some could manipulate the elements to their will, some could conjure up whatever they wanted from thin air (within reason), some could melt into the shadows and twist the darkness to do what they wanted. They were the reason his town was attacked. The world saw them as deadly, and the ones with powers were hunted like dogs. It didn't matter if there were Hylians living in the area, the sanctuaries were attacked and destroyed nonetheless.

Not too long ago, Link had seen two boys slightly older than him, one in red, one in white, playing around in the forest. He knew there was civilization in the area, but he was afraid to show his face in fear of... well, being around people for the first time in two years.

The small blonde boy yelped as the rock holding his leg shifted, crushing it more. The bone must have already snapped in several places. He let out a loud shriek of pain and horror.

"Somebody help me!"

I remember you said "Don't leave me here alone."

Meanwhile, the same two boys from before, Volga the young dragon knight and Ghirahim the demon child, were chasing each other through the tree. Every now and again, Volga would fly off a little way, before flipping back over his best friend's head and picking him up from behind. The pair had been close since they had met 5 years before, when Volga had first arrived at the orphanage Ghirahim was given to as a baby. The dragon had been so shy, scared of most things around him, but most of all, scared of himself. The story was he had lost control of his power over fire when his town was attacked, and had burned his home to the ground. He had fled, finding himself on the doorstep of the orphanage, run by Impa Sheikah and her nephew Sheik. They had quickly taken him in and the first friend he made among the children was Ghirahim. Now, they couldn't be separated. They messed around together, trained together (which was part of each day, along with regular lessons, like maths), stood up to people together, did everything together. If one ended up in trouble, the other would take some of the blame even if it wasn't their fault. They would have tiny conversations during class, laughing quietly at a remark from the other. Ghirahim would sometimes play pranks on Volga, catching him off guard with a handful of cream to the face, or painting something on his arm when the dragon fell asleep during class. Their favourite place to mess around was the forest,

Ghirahim burst into fits of laughter as his best friend grabbed him from behind and put him on his back. Being half dragon, Volga possessed immense strength, and could easily help anyone who was stuck under a collapsed tree or something similar. Heck, he had even rescued Ghirahim several times.

"Volga, there's caves down there! Let's go explore them!"

The dragon laughed and carried to demon down to the ground, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

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