Case #3 (just an average investigation) - Westfield, Massachusetts

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This was kind of a boring investigation. Nothing great happened in terms of paranormal activity or evidence. It was, however, good training for me and the newer members.

It was my first investigation that was not in a private home. This was a business that needed our help with what they thought were ghosts haunting their store and factory. They were a small candle company operating in what used to be a hotel. Next door is the factor where they make the candles. Only the first floors of both are used. The two floors above are all empty, including the hotel rooms.

I should point out that during our historical research, we found out that a man died in one of those rooms when it was a functioning hotel. It is not as useful of information as some might think. The fact that one or many people died in a certain spot doesn't mean anything. Why would a spirit choose to stay in the location they passed, if they have the opportunity to go anywhere they would like? All the places in the world, and they decide to stay in the depressing place they died? 

We got some interesting EVP's on this investigation. I cannot share directly, for two reasons. They aren't good recordings, definitely not class-A material. I do not want to promote EVPs that we are unsure of. The other reason is that I legally cannot share them. Before an investigation, we have  a whole bunch of legal forms for clients to fill out. One of them deals with how much we can and cannot publish any evidence we capture. For most private homes we investigate, the owners say it's okay to showcase any evidence or whatever. It's different for business owners, and they'd prefer that knowledge of an investigation taking place at their business be kept on the down low.

One of them was captured in a hotel room in the upper levels. We were casually talking, asking no EVP questions or anything. In the background, and in between pauses, you can hear a type of talking and moaning. It is hard to describe. Actually, it honestly sounds like a woman having an orgasm. 

Another time, we were in the factory. One of us jokingly asked, "Do you like making candles?" The reply is faint, but you can hear what sounds like "uh-uh" - you know, like when someone is too lazy to actually vocalize the word "no", or how a baby might try to say it. 

Again, these EVP's do not tell us much. We didn't have a definite answer for the client, other than that there only could be something going on at his business. But with no solid evidence to give, other than several class-C EVPs, we can not say for certain whether or not any paranormal activity was present. 

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