On Cemetery Hauntings

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The leading theory about where spirits can go in the afterlife is that they can choose to go wherever they want. They are not limited to the location of their death or the land where their bodies rest. For this reason, I do not personally understand why graveyards are labelled as paranormal hotspots, and why investigative groups waste their time in them. 

Cemeteries are creepy, and that's just a given. I do spend a lot of time in them, take walks quite often, even if I'm not visiting a deceased loved one. Around here in New England, the cemeteries are extremely old (and even beautiful sometimes), and I take a liking to old things. Walking through one, I get chills knowing that some day, a place just like it will be the permanent home for my body after I'm dead. 

Not for my ghost, but my body.

Yes there are hundreds of dead bodies in cemeteries, but does that honestly mean anything? I would not say so. They are just empty shells, and the soul that was once in them is now, in theory, roaming wherever it chooses, such as its childhood home or a place with happy memories. It does not seem logical that someone would choose to stay with their dead, useless body that will remind them day in and day out that they are dead. 

I have not had the opportunity to investigate a cemetery, and if the chance did come up, I don't think I'd take it, and not just because it would be pointless. I have heard from people what investigating a cemetery is like. There's so much contamination of evidence -- from nearby roads, houses, and forests -- that every possible piece of it had to be thrown out. 

Plus, it is extremely difficult to get permission to investigate a graveyard. No graveyard is public. They are either owned by a church or the city/town, and you need to get permission directly from them. This permission is seldom granted. As a warning and to state the obvious, if you do not have permission to investigate a certain location or building, do not investigate it. You can get charged with trespassing. It has happened to the leader of my group, and the police actually took him to the station. 

And I can't speak for anyone else, but having an investigation completely outside just doesn't seem very appealing. You have to deal with bugs, weather, and all that sound contamination. Certainly doesn't sound like a fun time. 

Remember though, skepticism must be paired with an open mind. I do not believe cemeteries are haunted, but I am open to the idea that a lonely ghost or two could be wandering around it. I have actually seen some convincing evidence that suggests the latter. 

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