Part one

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Dante grabbed his boyfriend Harry's hand and dragged him forward. A moment later, a blindfold was taken off of Harry's face. "We're here!" Dante exclaimed, "Welcome to Wetland". Dante gestured towards the exciting water park in front of them.

Harry blushed at this; He had mentioned a few days ago that he'd never visited a water park, to Dante's surprise. He knew that Dante would do something as sweet as this.

 Harry kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, this means a lot to me." He said afterward. Dante sheepishly grinned and scratched the back of his head. "I don't think it's much, but we should hurry before we burn out here!"

Dante grabbed Harry's hand once again and dragged him towards the largest water slide he had ever seen. He seemed to notice the other's uneasiness. "Is something wrong?" He asked." Harry forced a smile. "I'm fine, this is just new to me."

Harry looked up at the snake-like water slide again and shuddered. Truthfully, it terrified him, but he didn't want to hurt Dante's feelings. He reluctantly climbed up, trailing behind his partner. They soon reached the top, giving them a nice view of the park.

"Wish me luck!" Dante yelled joyfully as he pushed off. Harry watched in horror as the other quickly spiraled to the bottom. The lifeguard gave a thumbs up as Harry pushed off. "It's now or never." He thought as he started to slide down.

Harry screamed loudly the whole way down. "I don't think this was a good idea..." Dante considered when his boyfriend finally stumbled over. "You could have told me that you were scared." He said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

Harry looked down at the ground. "I didn't want to hurt your feelings. You remembered that I'd never been to a water park, and that was really sweet." He said this, getting more quiet with each word. Dante stared at the other for a minute before leading him away from the slides.

They walked together in silence, before Dante had another idea. "I know what we could do now." He said with a smirk. Harry looked where Dante was looking. It was a wave pool, which was much less terrifying than a water slide.

Harry smiled and kissed Dante again. "Thank you, this is much better." He said quietly. They walked towards the entrance, before Dante ran into the water. "LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE!!" He exclaimed. Harry laughed at this before sprinting after him.

Dante stood well over six feet tall, so he was fine in the six foot area. On the other hand, Harry was only five foot ten, and not that great of a swimmer. Dante frantically searched for his partner, but he was nowhere to be seen. Harry was usually able to catch up to him, and he should be there by now.

Dante's thoughts were interrupted by the lifeguard blowing his whistle. He looks up to see a muscular man dive into the water. He comes to the surface a few seconds later, Harry held in his arms. Dante pushed through the large crowd of people, eventually finding Harry with the lifeguard.

A large wave of relief washed over him. Harry had a small coughing fit, before finally looking towards Dante. Dante ran towards the other and held him tight. "I'm so glad you're okay." He said softly, tears streaming down his face. Harry coughs again and weakly replies "Dante, you're suffocating me."

The couple ends the embrace as the lifeguard walks over to them. "Thank you so much. I don't know what I would've done if..." Dante trails off. The lifeguard nods knowingly. "Don't worry about it, it's my job. By the way, my name is Brian." He holds out a hand and Dante shakes it.

"My name is Dante, and this is Harry." Dante points towards the other, making him blush. "Th-thanks." He stutters. Brian laughs, clearly amused by Harry's embarrassment. "I'd love to stay, but I have to get back to work." Brian says, before jogging back to his post.

Dante scratched the back of his head again, realizing that Harry probably hadn't had much fun at Wetland. "Maybe we should go home." He says after a moment of silence. Harry nods before they head to the showers.

After some walking, the pair arrives in front of the shower stalls. "This is where we part ways for a little while." Dante says. Harry looks at the other longingly and grabs his arm. "Please, don't leave me." He whispers before pulling him into the nearest stall.

Don't worry Fanwarriors there will be sexy times to come in part two...Don't forget to comment vote and all that shiz

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