| A Midnight Toker |

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It was nice tonight. The wind blew through the trees and the moon was bright.

I liked the way it felt to be alone but not so alone.

I'd been texting Dan all day. He had been gone with his dad and it was the first time in a couple weeks or so we'd been apart.

Inseparable could be the right word for our relationship, at least at this point.

We sat on the back deck all day or watched Netflix at his house. At night we texted into the wee hours of the morning.

He got me. It was weird to say the least, but he was like me, a cool cat.

I felt like a love sick puppy as I waited for his reply.

I watched the screen as I sat on the roof. I could hear the rustling of leaves on the ground. It was probably a deer.

I laid back, reading through our most recent texts for the tenth time.

Danny Boy: have you ever ridden a motorcycle?

Toto: Um... do I look like a biker chick to you?

Danny Boy: of course. ;)

Toto: Hush -_-

Danny Boy: you love it ;]

Toto: wyd?

I sighed in irritation that he was taking longer than ever to reply.

I tossed my phone onto the window sill and looked up through the trees at the stars.

C'mon Dan, don't leave a girl hanging. I thought as I looked at my phone again but there was still no reply.

"PSSSSSST!" A small pebble came flying at me and hit my shoe.

I scooted to the edge of the roof and looked down to see Dan standing there in a black hoodie and some dark-wash jeans.

His hair was slicked back and for the first time ever I noticed shiny earrings in his ear lobes.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper screeched at him and looked him up and down.

He grinned up at me. "Come down and I'll tell you,"

I frowned at him. "If my mom catches me I'm dead," I explained.

He shrugged. "Then jump, I'll catch you."

My eyes widened at his request. "There is no way in hell I'm jumping off my roof at one o'clock in the morning," I told him.

"C'mon Toto, I've missed ya cool cat." He grinned up at me with puppy dog eyes.

I groaned. "Alright, alright, I'll try but if I get caught I'm blaming you." I stated as I scooted myself over to the window sill.

Dan grinned and started walking to my driveway.

I crept into the window and slipped my phone into my back pocket.

I checked myself in the mirror, brushing my hair back out of my face and straightening out my t-shirt and jeans.

I turned out the lights before creeping quietly out of my room into the hallway.

It was silent and I knew my mom was already asleep. I was more worried about Rob.

I made it to the stairs and quietly crept down to the living room, past Folly who was asleep in her bed.

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