Author's Note & Description

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Everyday Amelia Gray (19) writes letters to 'The One'

She writes more and more until they compile into a small diary of them.

But then, then she finally meets him.

'The One' she's been writing to.

Or maybe it isn't him.

But someone she'll learn to love.

Who knows? No one. Until she finds out.


Hello! So, again, trying something new.

I was thinking about doing something like this and also the idea kinda came to me when I was sleeping hahaha.

Though, this is also inspired by other authors and their works, it is not copied. These are all my words and ideas in each letter, and the ending will be written to my own plans, unless people don't agree with it.

I was kind of doing this as a standalone, but I'm also kind of thinking to have this book as a lead in book, like a prequel or something to another book I could write which would be Amelia Gray's life other than the letters. So if that is a good idea (which I'm hoping I'll follow through with) then please comment, read and vote and also message me!

Okay, Love y'all <3


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