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Dear 'The One',

So many emotions.

Happiness- I'm happy. I have an amazing family, I'm good at school and I love what I'm doing.

Sadness- I don't know you. I don't have you.

Hunger- I mean I'm hungry. It's an emotion. 

Sleepy- Haha yep.

Love- Family. Friends... You. You are a somewhat figment of my imagination so far. Yet I think that I'm almost falling in love with you. Or with the idea of you.

Slowly. Very, very slowly. 

Emotions.About my life. About you. About the 'would-be' us. 


Me (Amelia Gray)


Small note haha... I know this is a crap letter so to compensate, I'm uploading the next letter too xx love y'all xx Enjoy!

Letters To 'The One'Where stories live. Discover now