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Amelia's POV

It was a Saturday. One of the most boring ones I've had in a while. My birthday was three days ago and we, my brother Cole, and I celebrated with a huge group of our friends and family laughing and having fun together. We both turned twenty this year, and even though I was ecstatic to become more officially an adult, I felt as though nothing had changed at all. I was still the baby of the family, being twenty minutes younger than Cole, I was still in uni and I was still single. 

Nothing. Really. Changed. Even though I felt that way, my birthday was still a total blast. We had so much fun with everyone, but after that night, everything was absolutely orinary again. I resumed uni and spent time after class finishing assignments and hanging out with Cole. But today, something felt... different. No drastic changes of course, but just a continuous feeling that something great was going to happen today.

I was in the café, not so far from my house, called 'Sweet Tooth'. It was probably one of my favourites in the area, because it was open ALL hours and I always needed to clear my head. That and the food and drinks were delicious. This café always gave me good vibes, but today it was different. It was something more than special.

The feeling was exciting.

I pondered on what could possibly happen today to give me this feeling when I heard the bell on the door ring. In came a tall and extremely handsome guy, who looked as though he belonged in Hollywood.

He suddenly looked over in my direction, catching me mid stare.

"Shit." I muttered quietly. I thought he was going to come over and tell me to stop being a creep, when he suddenly just winked and gave me a gorgeous grin. I was flustered, my heart fluttered, butterflies. Everywhere. He went up to the counter and ordered, then pointing toward my table. He then walked oveer to me, OMG, and said one word in the sexiest accent I could imagine.


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