Save you tonight

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It's the last day of school, the bell for the last period is about to ring. I watch the clock intently as time passes by. 3...2...1... *ring* everyone is passing by me , talking , laughing. I stand up slowly going to my locker for the last time ever at this school.

Hey . I'm Brianna. I'm 14, I'm in the 8th grade, I'm a complete loner. every single day I'm called worthless, ugly, freak, I'm told to kill myself, to "just go cut more" and many, many other things. My life wasn't like this until my older brother, Louis left. He's famous now, in the band one direction. He left in 2010 to audition for X factor. Long story short- he got put in a band with the most amazing boys ever. Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. Zayn and Liam are like my therapists. They are the only people that know I self harm. yea, I cut myself. I know what you're thinking. "your life isn't THAT bad." or "You have the perfect life." well you're wrong on so many levels. I can't even begin to explain what I feel inside. It's like drowning, but you can see everyone else around you breathing.

Anyway, it's the last day of my 8th grade year, so for the entire summer I'm going to live with louis and the boys. my mum said she "needed a break" from me. but I'm okay with that because I don't want to stay with her anyway. I leave tomorrow to go to London. I can't wait to see Louis and the boys. They're the only people that truly care about me. Maybe while I'm

There I'll meet someone , a friend. maybe someone other than them will care. the only bad thing about this is, I'll have to hide my cuts and scars from three boys. Nosey, meddling, teenage boys. I hope they don't catch me or see anything. If Louis found out he'd kill me. I'm kind of nervous about going to stay with them... Harry's 15 year old cousin is also staying there this summer. what if he's just like everyone else? What if he bullies me too? I hope not. But I guess we'll see.

I make my way outside the school. I sit at a table outside and wait for my bus. I see it from a distance, and I wait until I

See it stop at my school. I'm always the first one on so I always sit in the front. I sit there on my phone as teenagers start piling in the bus. the jocks start up the steps on the bus and I try to hide my face. There was a sharp pain in my leg and I realize one of them kicked me. I just scooted closer to the window and gazed out at the school. The bus started moving and after I few stops, I was home. I stood up and walked down until I felt the sidewalk under my red vans. I heard people calling me a few things from the bus and then it pulled away. I walked inside to see my mom wasn't home, as usual. I walked to the kitchen and saw a letter. "Hey Brianna. pack your stuff I'll be home soon. Mom." I grabbed a pop tart and went upstairs to my room. I walked to my closet in search for my suitcase that was probably buried under a bunch of sheets in the corner. As I finally found it I started putting all my clothes in it. I added all my makeup such as eyeliner and eyeshadow. I put a few things in a carry-on bag and put it all in the corner of the room. After I was completely done I laid on my bed and put my music on shuffle. If you can't hang by sleeping with sirens came on, and I soon drifted to sleep.

Save you tonight-One Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now