Chapter 8 birthday party!!

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Today was the big day, it was Sean's fifth birthday. EVERYTHING has to be PERFECT  and I mean EVERYTHING. Funnily enough no new sanses have shown up in around a week, right now the only sanses here were classic, fell, blueberry, flare, error, ink, paper jam, fresh, horror, dust, Geno and death. Ever since death arrived, there have been a few incidents where you accidentally brushed off him and literally died then came back to life because of your determination. Anyway your rambling again, back to organising Sean's birthday party. Someone tapped you on the back causing you to Yelp in surprise. " oh sorry for surprising you but I need to ask, where do you want the bouncy castle?" a guy with a clipboard asked. "It's okay and I want it near that big tree" you said pointing to said tree. He nodded and walked away to set it up. It was around 10:00 am, usually Sean would be here but this was a surprise party so jack took him out to the playground for an hour or two.The sanses would have to stay in their rooms during the party but when all the other kids went home, they could have a slice of cake, eat some sweets and go on the bouncy castle if they wanted too. Around ten kids were invited to this party, mostly some of Sean's friends from daycare but there was two children who's parents worked with you and jack. You didn't like two of the parents much but it would have been rude not the invite them, so now they were coming too. The guest list consisted of these children.
Lisa: aged four
Ben: aged five
Fred: aged five
Sarah: aged four
Clare: aged five
Steven: aged four
Amy: aged five
Aran: aged five
Crystal: aged six
Harold: aged five

Crystal and Harold were the kids who's parents worked with me and jack, Jack and I didn't like crystals parents, they were snobby, racist and homophobic but somehow their little girl turned out alright, you think it must have been the nanny they hired because they didn't have time for crystal, and you like her so you had to invite them if you wanted crystal over. Harold's parent were good friends of yours so you had to invite them but their kid was a demon, last time Harold came over he broke a TV by throwing a wii remote at it. You had no idea why he was so bold, I mean his parents are some of the nicest people you've ever met but I guess it's just another great mystery. Suddenly, you were, for the second time today, tapped on the back. You bit back a Yelp and turned around. It was the same guy from before,"alright ma'am, where would you like the baby pool?".You thought for a second before choosing a spot. " over there" you said. He nodded and walked off. It was the hottest day this summer so you decided to get a small pool for the kids to cool down in, you asked the parents to bring their kids swimming gear. Damn it,they could bring a scuba diving gear for all you cared. The same man then asked you where you would like the ice cream stand, you choose a spot in the shade so the ice cream didn't melt as fast. Ya know what you would kill for right now, willy wonka's never melt ice cream.( trade mark). You sigh, yeah that's never gonna happen, instead you decide to get a glass of juice from the jug you have outside, the jug has a cover on it so you didn't need to worry about flies in your drink. You finished your drink and put the cup in the bin. You spent the next hour directing people on where you wanted things. There was a chocolate fountain, a candy floss machine, a ball pit, a slide, a small pool, a bouncy castle and a huge sweets table. The guys who help set it up packed up and left. You went back indoors to get changed for the party. You choose to wear a nice shirt and Jeans with flats. You brushed your hair and washed you face and hands. "Alright now which kid didn't like dogs, was it Clare or Sarah?" You said to yourself. You checked your phone, you had noted who liked and disliked certain things. "Okay it's Clare, I've gotta go find Harry to put him in his room". Yes Harry has his own room, can't a dog live in style?. You wrangled the dog just in time as the door bell rang the second you closed Harry's door. "COMING" you yelled as you ran to the door. You open it to welcome in the twins Lisa and Ben and their parents. " hi, please do come in, your the first ones here, not even the birthday boy is here yet" you said. "We're not too early are we?" Angela, the mother asked. " oh no Angela, your right on time, I did say half eleven." You assured her. " anyway kids, go out to the backyard, it's where all the sweets are." Just then another car pulled up the driveway. " Angela, henry ,you can go to the backyard too, while I welcome these guests", they nodded and walked out to the back. The cat doors opened and out clambered Fred, Sarah and Clare, their dad also climbed out, you knew the mother wouldn't be coming because she died two years ago. " hey Fred, hi Sarah, hello Clare, go out to the back, Lisa and Ben are already here. Hurry or they might eat all the sweets!!" You exclaimed, the children rushed off, eager to get some sweets. "please do come in John, Angela and Henry are out in the back as well" you said. As soon as John walked away another car pulled up. Steven and Amy jumped out, when they got to the front door," QUICK, Lisa, Ben, Fred, Sarah and Clare are gonna eat the sweets" you said. Steven and Amy sprinted to the backyard. " hello and welcome Eoin, please, join the rest of the parents In the backyard.". Finally three cars pulled up. The children scrambled out and rushed over to ask where the sweets were. You directed them to the backyard, you welcomed the parents in and invited them to go to the backyard. " I've just got to wait for my brother to arrive with the birthday boy" you told them. You didn't have to wait long, minutes later jacks car pulled up and Sean jumped out and ran to the door, Jack followed him." Hey Sean, we've got a surprise for you in the back yard." You said. Sean squealed and ran to the back door. You ran after him as did Jack. He walked into the garden and was greeting by the sight of a birthday party, just for him. He could tell because there was a huge banner that said" HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN". You had it specially made, " SURPRISE" everyone yelled. He ran off to play, the kids had a wonderful day, there was only two incidents when Harold shoved someone off the bouncy castle and when he tripped and spilled a drink on Lisa. At around 5:00 pm, everybody started going home. When everybody left, the sanses came out of their room. We all sang Sean a happy birthday and cut the cake, it was freaking delicious. Afterwards blueberry, fresh, ink, paper jam, Sean and you played on various things. After that, you were all tuckered out and you slept like a log.

(Sorry if your name was one of the kids names, just change it if you want.
❤️stay determined❤️)

HAPPY FUN TIMES (Au sanses x powerful reader).Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang