Chapter 16 the embarrassment is too much!

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You still hated Gz tale papyrus, (you refused to give him a name). And you probably always will. You shot him dirty glances at every opportunity, you wouldn't help him with anything, you left the room with ganz whenever he came in, you wouldn't speak to him and if you had to, you'd give him creative swears as a nickname. (Your favorite so far was shit biscuit)

At the moment you were cleaning your room, you always let it get so messy when you were Amanda. Oh did I mention you've switched back to coral. Yay! Back to being edgy and intimidating. What fun!
Ganz is sitting on your bed, playing around on the phone you gave him. You'd been spoiling him along with Sean for the past week. He giggled softly at something onscreen (probably a meme).
"Whatcha doing there?"
"Those meme things you showed me"
Knew it.
"So what do you wanna do today?"
Ganz shrugged.
"Can I we watch a movie? An action movie preferably"
"Thought you'd never ask"

You sit in the best sitting room, with the biggest tv and surround sound. Ganz is sitting In your lap along with Sean, transfixed on the movie you had picked.
The avengers movie. You guys were going to have a movie marathon, watching all the avengers films. And I mean all of them. Every Single One.

It's dark outside now, many people gathered to watch the movie with the three of you. Except GZtale papyrus (still no nickname). You glared at him until he left, making quiet a few people uncomfortable but you didn't care. How dare he sit on the same couch as you! He shouldn't be anywhere near ganz!

When the marathon ended, Sean asked to stay with you that night. You instantly said yes and offered ganz to stay with you too. He simply nodded. You sent them to get their pajamas and before you could go upstairs GZtale papyrus came around the corner. Your eyes hardened into a fierce glare, he merely rolled his eyes.
"Look. It's really fun to have a rival, this is getting ridiculous. I can't even be in the same room as you without you giving me shit! This really has to stop."

"It'll stop when I've decided you've had enough. When ganz stops looking at you with fear in his eyes. When ganz can rest easy at night. When he stops being afraid to be scared. Until then I'll keep doing whatever the fuck I want."

With that you turned and left, heading towards ganz room which was beside Sean's. GZtale papyrus sighed.

"She's never going to stop hating you. You know that right?" Gz papyrus whirled around to see Mia.

"Once she hates you, she'll never stop. You can never ever get into her good books after that. Unless you're me, jack, Sean or a sans."

Mia walked away, leaving Gz papyrus standing there. He hated this. For some unexplainable reason, he wanted you to like him. He didn't know why. He couldn't figure this out. Screw it! He's going to bed.

You snuggle with Sean and ganz. You were still awake, you wouldn't be able to unless you knew that they were okay. Satisfied that they were safe, you drifted off to sleep.

You woke up to a knock on your door, you groggily sat up. Slowly and carefully, you untangled yourself from ganz and Sean. Hitting the floor with a thump wasn't the most pleasant way to get up in the morning but you'd woken up to worse. Much worse. You opened the door a crack, the bright lights making your eyes sting.
"What the fuck do you want asshole?"
Yes it's GZtale papyrus, that little motherfucker. Even though he's taller than you.
"I wish to mend my relationship with my brother"


"Fuck off. You talk to him and I'll dust you"
"How do expect for him to stop fearing me if I never talk to him?"
"I could kill you and he'd never have to think about you again"
"Your brother said you aren't allowed to do that"
"Fine. You get half and hour. I'll be there the whole time. So don't try jack shit. Understand?"
"Yes I understand completely"

You slammed the door in his face. That piece of shit! He had the balls to ask to talk to his brother, bringing up the fact that jack said you couldn't kill him. You angrily threw open your wardrobe door, pulling clothes roughly from their hangers. You'd already gotten on your tracksuit pants and had pulled off your pajama top.

The door was bashed off its hinges to reveal lust grinning at you. You didn't react because you were too shocked at what the fuck just happened, when lust ripped the t-shirt you were going to wear that day out of your hands.
"Hey give that back! That's the only top that goes with these tracksuit bottoms!"
"Come get it from me!"

You ran out the bedroom door and chased him down the hall, not paying attention to anybody that you passed. Lust kicked a door open and you followed, you had caught up to him by now. You tackled him the down, wrestling him from the t-shirt. Due to superior strength and agility, you won.
"Asshole! Why the fuck would you do that!?"
" because it was funny"
"No it wasn't!"
"It totally was"
By this time you'd realized where you were, the kitchen. And everyone was having breakfast. And staring at you. And you were only wearing pants and a bra.
"What you looking at!"
Everyone hastily diverted their gaze while you hurriedly put on your t-shirt. Lust was still laughing his ass off on floor, you looked down at him.
"I hate you"
"Nah you love me"
You held out your arm to help him up.
"Yeah you're right. I do love you"
You pulled him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"But never do that again"
He nodded numbly, you ignored him in favour of going back upstairs to check on Sean and ganz. You missed the sly grin lust shot at the others once you had turned your back. They glared back at him.

You picked up the post, bill, bill, bill. Why are there so many bills?! Something caught your eye. A wedding invitation! From one of your old friends! Not many of them were around any more, most of them had died or moved away.
"Peach! Cherry! Get the suits I bought you! We're going to a wedding!"

( so y/n still hates GZtale papyrus. And that's not gonna stop anytime soon.
My parents hate the new puppies, they keep peeing on the carpet and shitting everywhere. They still hate my cat as well. I got a papyrus and Toriel plushies for Christmas. I love the avengers movies, my favorite character is Bucky and I will fight anyone that's says he's a villain. So that's all, bye)

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