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-Savannah's POV-

I was sweating as I tried my hardest to drag my suitcase in the Team10 house, which was literally 3 feet away. I didn't realize how much junk I had in my suitcase until I tried making it into the house.

-5 minutes later-

I finally made it to the door, now to knock, and drag it in. As I was about to knock...

--- 4 weeks earlier ---

"Okay, okay mom.." I walked to the kitchen. "Yes, alright, okay, I love you too, k, bye" I put my phone down, and popped another cracker in my mouth.

I dragged my laptop over towards me, and turned it on. "Hello, YouTube." I smiled warmly as I looked at the screen. Slowly dragging my cursor forward, I clicked on, Jake Paul's new Vlog.


As I was watching the video, I checked my DM's on Instagram. I was replying to some of them, making people smile, when I got an unfamiliar notification. I paused my video too look at it. As I was about to open it, there was a knock on my door.

"Ugh" I put my phone down, and walked towards the door. I peeped through my little looking glass thingy that was on the door to see what was outside of it. (idk what they're called..) I stood on my tippy-toes to peer through it, and then, guess who I see.

I opened the door, to be knocked out and squashed, by the one and only, my sister. "Oh my GORD Savannah! Im so excited to see you!!" I rolled my eyes. "I saw you yesterday, Cheyenne." " YES! I KNOW, BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT!!" I was currently losing my patience, and breath. "What?" She got up off of me, and helped me up. "Well, you see...I kind of broke my phone, and I know you has the YouTubes money, and I kind of need help." But before I could speak.. "Please" She said popping the E. I just looked at her plainly. "I'll pay you back!! I promise! Please?" I just rolled my eyes, for the 15th time since she got here. "That's $700 down the drain Cheyenne." She gave me puppy-dog eyes. "Gross" She started to pace. "Cheyenne, you're 17, why do you need a phone?" I chuckled at my statement. She stopped and looked at me. "Okay, I'll buy you a new one." She ran over and hugged me. "Can't..b-breathe." "Oops" She giggled, and let go.

-2 hours later-

I unlocked my door, and walked into my apartment, closing the door behind me with my foot, and sipped my strawberry smoothie. "Finally." I sat down, closed my laptop, to look at the notification, I received hours ago.

I opened up my phone, and looked through my notifications.

"Nope, just a fan.. fan, fan, fan, fa- hold on.."

My mouth opened a gape. My eyes widened, as I stared at what was in front of me. I just kept staring at the groupchat I opened.


emiliovmartinez - Haha Ivan

ivanmartinez - it was accident!

tessbrooks - oml, you guys are ridiculous

erikacostell - T, where are you?

tessabrooks - in the office in front of you

erikacostell - sometimes I just..lose you

tessabrooks - hahahahaha

jakepaul - oh Hey! Is that you, Savannah?

He, that, what? Jake Paul, did not just, text my name. He did NOT.


emiliovmartinez - I think? It says she is reading them

tessabrooks - OMG! HEY! HIIIII!!

jessicache - Tessa, I think you're scaring her...

I couldn't believe my eyes, my hands were shaking. I was about to respond when, I get another DM.

Instagram- jakepaul sent you a message!

I opened up my DM from Jake, and read it aloud. "Hey Savannah, Team10 and I were looking through Instagram profiles and saw yours! We clicked on your YouTube link, and we love your channel! Hopefully, you can get back to us as soon as possible, and we can talk about Team10, because we're interested in you joining! Anyways, thanks for the support!"

I honestly, am so speechless, I cant even right now. So, guess what I did. I texted back, duhh.


jakepaul - Hey Savannah, Team10 and I were looking through Instagram profiles and saw yours! We clicked on your YouTube link, and we love your channel! Hopefully, you can get back to us as soon as possible, and we can talk about Team10, because we're interested in you joining! Anyways, thanks for the support!

savvy.loves - omg! First of all, thank you! Second of all, I would love to join Team10 if it's possible, especially if you're thinking about it.

jakepaul - Great! You're welcome, and yes, we are thinking about it, and we want you to join!

savvy.loves - Wow, I'm honestly speechless, this a dream come true! When will I be able to fly out?

jakepaul - I can fly you out, within the next week, and we can have you stay for a week, to see how you like it

savvy.loves - Okay! Thank you so much! I really am so thankful, is there any other way for me to contact you if there is any need?

jakepaul - Yes! Just contact me at, 623-909-5678 (I honestly forgot his number, cause it was leaked)

savvy.loves - Will do. thanks!


I entered Jakes' number into my phone, and just sat down to take in what happened.

Im going to be moving to LA. In the Team10 house, I cant believe it. I finished the Vlog I was watching before all this happened, and I headed off to bed to clear my mind.


HEYO! THIS IS MY FIRST EVER FANFICTION AND ITS ABOUT MY FAVORITE PEOPLE! Hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and comment if you want more, and ill keep writing! Thanks so much!! also comment down below questions for a future...QnA???

kk Bai!

My Team10 ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang