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Savannah's POV

I snuggled into my blanket as the boys and I watched Frozen. I watched as Marshmallow started chasing Olaf. I giggled. Logan put the movie on pause causing me to send him a glare. He chuckled and stood in front of the couch that we all sat on.

He clapped his hands together looking over at Brendon and eyeing everyone who sat in front of him slightly annoyed or not caring. "I have to make a kinda sad announcement to all of you." Logans face relaxed into an upset look as he stared upon the couch. "Well unfortunately you guys have to fly back to where you came from." I felt tears brim my eyes as I looked over at the twins and Anthony. No, this can't be happening.

"But why?" Was all I could stammer. Logan looked upset to see me at the verge of tears, but he took his focus off of me to continue his statement. We all sat on the couch in surprise. What could he mean by having to move back to where we came from?

I held Kong closely to my chest wishing as hard as i could that this wasn't happening. Logan was explaining jibberish and i tried not to cry. I shut my eyes as tight closed as i could just wishing. Logan started shaking me, "Savannah! Savannah!" I kept shaking my head, i couldn't believe it. He kept shaking me as his voice blurred. He sounded distant as all i could do was cry. I just couldn't take it anymore, it's like nobody existed. I couldn't let go of Kong, i held him tighter and tighter in hope that it was a prank, something wasn't working right. I couldn't see it was all black, i cried and cried holding Kong tighter and tighter with every word that fell off my cheek. Kong's body struggled with the more strength i put against him and he just turned to ash.

My eyes shot open as he disappeared, tears resting on my cheeks. I was just surrounded in a blurry room floating. I couldn't touch or do anything, just float there and cry. I tried screaming, I couldn't hear anything, i couldn't hear myself. Was i really screaming?


I kicked and screamed and cried as someone tried shaking me awake. I opened my eyes breathing heavily as i sat up almost headbutting the person who woke me up. He backed up slightly, "Are you gud bro?!" Logan looked at me jokingly, but with worry in his eye. I nodded slightly making sure the room i was in was real. I touched Logan's arm and poked at his head, He chuckled, "What are you doing?" I smiled slightly, "I'm sorry Logan just had a really weird dream." "I could tell." Logan stood up and offered his hands down to my face for me to take. I did, and Logan pulled me onto my feet. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked scratching his chin. I shook my head.

Logan shot me a look of worry, but still showing me he understood. "Well you seemed pretty scared, why don't you go clean yourself up?" He pointed towards his room and i smiled, thanking him before i headed to the bathroom.


Hey...i don't really know what this chapter was, and sorry for it being really short. A lot of you wanted me to continue this story and keep going with it, which i love. You guys are so supportive and it means so much to me. Always making me smile with your sweet comments and all the votes and whatnot, i really appreciate it, thank you so much!

Next chapter will be released on Saturday, so be ready for it because it's going to be a long one. I'm also at a weird writer's block thing, so feel free to DM me if you have any ideas because I'm really stuck right now. Also i don't want to make anymore love triangles, or have her like anyone else currently (besides Emi ;) ).

Welp that's all i got for now

Kk Bye! <3

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