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Savannah's POV

I walked out of Logan's room, satisfied with how I looked for the day and sat down trying to figure out what to do for the day. Emilio stood in the living room, staring down at his phone, obviously concentrated. I was curious with what, but didn't bother to ask.

"Emilio?" He still looked down at his phone. "Hmm?" He looked up at me. "Where are the others?" He looked as though he was thinking, but shook his head. "I don't know, why?" I hate when people ask me why after a question. "I was just wondering."

He put his phone in his pocket and looked at me. "Wanna go to the theme park today?" Emilio smiled at me. I returned the smile, "Sure!" "Well then let's go!" He grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the apartment.


The Uber dropped us off at the entrance of the park. I went up to pay, but Emilio pushed my hand away. "No, I invited you to come, I pay." I smiled since there was no use in arguing and let him pay. He handed the cashier the money and he gave us our bracelet passes. Emilio went first and the cashier who's name tag read Eddie connected the bracelet ends before doing mine.

Once I had mine on, I followed Emilio into the park. He wanted to go on the big rollercoaster that I always avoided whenever I came here, and me being the chicken I am took one look at it and started dragging him away from it. "Savannah, come on! It'll be fun, I promise you!" I gave him a dirty look. "If the possibility of me falling off of it when it goes upside down is the promise of fun, then I'm not going." I closed my eyes and crossed my arms to signal that my decision was final, no matter how hard he tried.

Emilio on the other hand had other ideas. As I stood my foot down, Emilio picked me up causing me to scream in surprise. "Emilio I'm warning you if you don't put me down right now..." Anger boiled through my body as I scolded him. Emilio laughed and started walking up the stairs to the platform area.

"You're going to have fun and I'm going to be there with you, there's nothing to worry about!" Emilio smiled with gleam at his choice of words as I eyed him with full annoyance. Oh why did this ride have to be the one at the start of the park?

Emilio shoved me into the coaster car and sat on the exit side so I wouldn't leave and I consistently stared at him with annoyance. He chuckled, "you're going to be fine." The ride started to move and so did my stomach.

I felt so sick suddenly. The ride started going slower and slower as it started going higher and higher. Emilio put his hands up as it reached the top of the steep hill and I wanted to cry. The coaster leeched forward and pew the coaster cars started going really fast and I screamed my head off. Once it reached the loops I was already on the verge of tears because I was so scared.

Once the ride ended I was so pissed at Emilio that I dragged him to my favorite ride. The dropper. "No no no Savannah, please! Anything, but the dropper." I glared at him as I buckled him into his seat. "Listen buddy, get off your high horse. Did you think I wanted to go on the huge coaster? No. Now you're going to suffer by going on my favorite ride." I smiled and strapped myself in next to him. He looked at me nervously. The ride started going up and Emilio started stressing.

Welcome to my world.

We started getting real close to the top and I was excited. Emilio looked around the city scared for his life. I started to feel bad, so I grabbed his hand and held it close.

The ride started making noises and we dropped. Emilio closed his eyes and I screamed with happiness.

When we finally reached the ground Emilio unbuckled himself quickly and I followed.

When we were away from the ride, I hugged him and looked up at him giving the cheesiest smile I could. "Love youu." He gave me a playful look at we continued our day.


I flipped my pancake wondering where Logan, and the others all went. They haven't been back since yesterday morning. I turned the stove off and put all the pancakes on a plate. I turned around and placed two plates on the table. "Emi!" He came out of Logan's room with only a shirt on. I smirked sipping my coffee. "I made you breakfast, come sit." He stared at me, "I hate you." I eyed him, "And you think I care? Come sit and eat breakfast." I sipped my coffee waiting. Emilio sat down and started eating.

"Do you know where the boys went?" I sipped my orange juice, scrolling through Twitter. "No.." I furrowed my brows. "Ill call Logan later." I looked at Emilio. He nodded and started to get up. "Where do you think you're going mister?" He squirmed at the thought of me close to mentioning yesterday. "Uh, to finish getting ready?" I giggled. "I'm just joking with you."

He smiled and walked away.


The phone dialed again, "You have reached the voicemail box of.." I pressed the red button and sighed of annoyance. This was the fifth time Logan declined my call. I rubbed my head with frustration and dialed Anthony's number in.

Brr..brr..brr..br-"Hey what's up little lady?" I smiled, Anthony always answered. "Hey.. where are you guys?" I waited for an answer. "Oh don't worry we'll be back soon." I sighed, "How soon?"

"Why does it matter?" I could sense the smirk behind the phone. "You left me here by myself with Emilio, been gone for two days, haven't been texting me, what do you mean 'why does it matter?' " I sat down on the couch.

Anthony chuckled, "You'll know soon, and hey Emilio isn't bad company. Knowing you two.. I mean you guys probably hooked up." I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, "No!" I laughed. "Mmhmm, sure thing girlfriend."

What a little diva.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, just text me when you get here." He laughed, "Sure thing." I giggled, "Bye." "BYEEE." I laughed and ended the call wondering what they could be up too.

I lay back against the couch and rub my temples. Why have I been so stressed lately? The couch shifted causing me to look over. "Are you okay Savannah?" Emilio said calmly. I nodded. "You sure? You know that I care about you and I hate seeing you upset." I smiled, he was always so sweet.

"Emilio I think it's time.." A shot of confusion rose to his face. "Time for what?" I breathed in slowly. "Even through all the trouble we've had, I honestly think I'm falling for you, and I hate it." His expression calmed slightly.

"Why do you hate it?" I felt a huge knot form in my throat. I blinked back the tears hoping he wouldn't notice. "Because I'm afraid of getting hurt again."


Ending this book soon
Awe Savannah admitted it 😄
Be ready for what's to come 😏

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