Painting Flowers: A Xephna Fanfic.

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** Author's note:
Hi everyone, so this is my first Fanfic that I will be posting online, I'm quite nervous! The first chapter to this fic was freestyle and done in one of my school lessons (I was that bored) so it probably won't be as good as the others :) anyway thanks for taking the time to read this fic I'm afraid that it may be short but enjoy!**

Chapter 1:

Xephos swore under this breath as yet another machine in the Jaffa factory broke and, once again, Lalna wasn't there to fix it or at least help him do so. Xephos looked at his feet. The hole in this chest seemed to grow larger by the minute. Lalna was never around anymore  ever since Xephos let it slip that he loved Lalna.

When Honeydew first told Xephos that he had hired a 'strapping young lad' to help them build this dream factory of Honeydew's, Xephos wasn't really sure what to think.

"Because let's be honest here mate, we ain't got a fuckin clue what we're doing!" Honeydew had said with a laugh. Xephos wasn't really 100% on with the idea at first, he knew that Honeydew was right in that he didn't really know what was in store for him, but he almost felt like Honeydew was replacing him. He wasn't that useless was he? But that had all changed when he finally met Lalna. His kind Blue eyes, His light floppy hair, his ridiculous personality but above all, his perfect smile. how this hadn't turned Xephos on the moment they met he would never know.

He first realised that he loved Lalna when he was working for when he'd left due to the abuse he was getting from Honeydew. after a few days he felt empty and he didn't know why, it took him nearly two weeks to realise that it was Lalna's absence that was causing the empty feeling and not only that, but how much he loved him. It was Lalna who had shown him how to build everything. Lalna who took the blame whenever Xephos screwed up. Lalna who cheered him up when he felt down. He realised that when he did leave, that had hurt Lalna a lot and the thought of anyone hurting Lalna let alone Xephos doing it himself made Xephos feel sick. He was chased out of two days after his realisation and he didn't care. He just wanted To get back to this best dwarf friend and the scientist he loved. When he did get back, Lalna had given him a huge hug and told him he was so glad he was back. It seemed that Lalna cared for Xephos a lot and vise versa. He squeezed him back for several seconds before they finally broke apart smiling at each other, the two became closer to each other with each passing day and Xephos' love for Lalna doubled each day. He had to tell Lalna that he loved him with all his heart. He wasn't sure when, but something told Xephos that he would know when the time was right to tell the beautiful scientist the truth.

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