Painting Flowers: A Xephna Fanfic

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I'm being active yaaaaaaaaay :D I want to make up with you guys so ill be more active in the future to make up for my inactivity lately, sorry to keep you all waiting Love you all! xxx

Lalna staggered out of the factory. His head was spinning and he knees were weak. He had to sit himself down on tbe fountain for support. This was nuts. Was this real? Xephos not only loved him but was now dating him! Shortly after they kissed They spoke about telling people about them and their relationship Xephos wanted to tell Honeydew of course but Lalna wasn't ready for that yet, it was all too fast. Until Lalna was open about his orientation, they agreed keep it quiet.

Lalna looked up from where he'd dozed of, he  needed some copper and we didn't have enough so I went to the chest thingy that makes
Aword to anyone about each other, although it was was obvious that Xephos would trust Honeydew  with his life, but telling Honeydew meant that Lalna would have to step out of the closet, and he just wasn't ready for that yet, it was all too fast. Until Lalna was open about his orientation, they'd keep it quiet.

Lalna looked up from where he'd dozed of, he ended up sitting on the floor somehow and drifted into a light sleep. Sjin had awoken him and was now walking towards him, looking rather sheepish. Lalna sighed. Someone had broken something.

"What broken now and whose broken it?" He said eyeing Sjin who dropped his gaze.

"Sorry Lalna I broke it you see, I needed... no Sips needed some copper and we didn't have enough so I went to the chest thingy that makes loads of one thing...." Sjin trailed away.

"And?" Lalna growled

"And I knocked one of the pipes off by mistake, there's kind of copper and iron everywhere now, Xephos is trying to fix it, he said he didn't want to bother you, but it really didn't look like he knew what he was doing." Lalna's heart started to pound against his chest, what the hell was Xephos thinking? did he realise how dangerous that was? if he fell? He didn't want to think about it. He stormed over to the factory and burst through the door, he was on the first floor, Xephos was on the second leaning on the pipes trying to attach a new one one of his legs dangled from where he sat. If he fell, it would do a lot of damage to him. Lalna couldn't bare the thought of it.

"Xephos! What the tell are you doing! you're gonna get yourself killed!" The spaceman looked down at the scientist and smiled at him 'That man was so cute when he shows he cares about you' he thought.

"Don't worry Lal, I'll be fine!" but of course, he wasn't. a few seconds later as Xephos tried to reposition himself, he lost his grip. The sharp ended side of the pipe slashed open His shoulder ripping fabric and skin. his other arm jerked to the injury instinctively but with nothing to hold on to, gravity pulled it's cruel tricks. And Xephos fell.

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