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Oh my god you guys Thank you so much!  I never imagined that this fic would become as popular as it has become! I'm so happy that so many people enjoy my stories!  :D ahhhhhhh Thank you Thank you Thank you!

As a little treat for all of you amazing people, I'm holding a little contest :) send me one of your Oc's and state the following:
Any additional information

I will be selecting two winners and these two Oc's will have the option to either appear in Painting flowers, or a three chapter one shot with a member of the yogscast that they can choose :) there's no deadline yet, but I'll let you all know where there is one :)

Also I'll be holding a QnA as well, ask me what you like I'll answer it somewhere else besides the comments they'll be a work called "Ask Midnight_spyro" so go ask there :) the rules here are;
No personal information

I don't mind people asking for my name, gender, Sexuality, rough location (country only) but anything else that I cosider personal I'm not answering.

No inappropriate questions

This one speaks for itself.

apart from that, ask me anything!  ^^

Love you all! xxx (Thank you all of you from the bottom of my heart)

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