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May contain TW idk I didn't get triggered by any of this but maybe you will (mostly by the pOOR WAY IN WHICH IT'S WRITTEN)

Also, if you're allergic to long chapters, you might want to leave and read the next one. It will make no difference but this took ALMOST A WHOLE NONSTOP WEEK TO WRITE SO YA BETTER READ IT

Also I have absolutely no idea what the countries or anything were called back in the 1800's so I'll just call them like usual so there aren't any confusions

Nothing here is 100% like it was before because that would be boring so idk just read or something


The sounds of crashing waves against the massive wooden ship startled the small child, who was resting peacefully, waking him from his small nap. Confused and rather dizzy, he pushed himself up from the bed.

The smell of sea water slapped him in the face. He nauseously covered his mouth so he wouldn't vomit all over himself but lost balance and rolled off the bed, right onto the cold hard floor


His head bounced against the floor making a loud THUD. He let out a little scream because it fucking hurt, like shit have you ever smashed your head against a wooden floor? IT HURTS!

Several tears formed in his small dark brownish eyes, but the boy wiped them away using his rather oversized sleeve.

Where was he?

He didn't have any memories of that day or the day before. He only remembered-

"BIG BROTHER!" His brother! Where was he?! The dark eyed child scanned the entire room, but his brother wasn't anywhere to be seen.

As he observed his surroundings, he noticed a familiar flag right above a wooden door... like everything else in the room. He had to squint a little to distinguish it from the wall since it was pretty dark. If it weren't for the candles though, it would've been impossible to see absolutely anything. The candles gave the room a dark, eerie feeling, but it made the small Asian feel comfortable for some reason.

Something about the flag was extremely familiar. Was this a déjà vu? Probably not; he was too small to even know what the word even meant (That, if it actually meant something back then)

He stood up and (with difficulty) walked over to the door. It was impossible to open no matter how much he pushed or pulled. So much for that. He brushed his bangs out of his face and made his way towards the window.
It was very high up, impossible for him to look through without something to climb on.

"Hng-" He pouted.

Even though he couldn't see, he could hear the sound of the ocean furiously slamming itself against the ship over and over. He could hear the wind howling, the rain pouring non-stop. The child shook in fear. He knew what was to come next. As expected (unfortunately) the whole room was illuminated in a bright white-ish light. He took a step away from the window. And then he heard it.


If he weren't a grown potty trained boy he would of shitted himself for sure.

Thunder was terrifying to him; he never knew what it was and nobody ever felt like explaining it, even if he asked politely. He trembled in fear as he felt hot tears start streaming down his cheeks. He just wanted to go home.

Suddenly, a new noise interrupted him...The door.

It slowly creaked open, filling the child's eyes with complete terror. Without thinking it twice, he ran off to his bed and covered himself head to toe with the old blanket resting at the edge of the bed.

A Happy Boy Named IcelandWhere stories live. Discover now