Sophitz 2

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Sometimes I go back and forth between Sophitz and Sokeefe. I mainly ship Sophitz, but I don't think I'll actually be able to decide until Nightfall comes out (I'm so excited for that!!)

It's really annoying how things like Sophitz, Everglen, Havenfield, and Panakes aren't recognized as words and are underlined in red because there are so many red lines while I'm reading over the draft.

I kind of sped through the beginning to get to the part I wanted to write. I'll write an actual story soon, these are just things I had on my computer. Again, these aren't really related, but this is just another way for Sophie to tell Fitz her secret.

"Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! Bye, Sandor!" Sophie called over her shoulder as she headed for the door. Her parents had agreed to let her go to Everglen for a sleepover without her goblin bodyguard. She walked to the caved behind Havenfield to jump off the cliff there to teleport to her friends' house.

"Sophie!" Biana called when Sophie appeared on the lawn.

"Hi, Biana. Where's everyone else?" Fitz, Keefe, Dex, Tam, and Linh were also coming to the sleepover.

"They're all inside. Come on!"

After dinner, the seven teenagers played Base Quest as the sun set. Then, they headed back inside to play truth or dare. Fitz stopped Sophie as she was about to enter Biana's room.

"Um, can I talk to you?" he asked nervously.

"Uh, sure." She followed him to his room.

Fitz sat on his bed. Sophie sat next him.

"Um, I have a secret to tell you, too. And I get why you didn't want to tell me yours. It's really hard to say."

"Yeah," Sophie agreed. "Is yours really bad?"

"It's not that it's bad, it's that it could..." He trailed off.

"Ruin our friendship? Mine too. It depends what you have to say, I guess."

"Same. So, you go first?" He glanced at her.
"No! You came to me!"

"Well you had your secret first!"

Sophie groaned. "Plus, you still owe me that favor," he pointed out.

"Fine, just... Can you not look at me?"

Fitz, skeptical, turned away. When she didn't say anything for a minute, he transmitted, Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just... don't know how to say it.

If you're really not ready to say it, you don't have to–

No, I really should. And it's your favor. I...

She couldn't say it. She couldn't tell Fitz that she liked him. A thousand thoughts raced through her mind. What if he didn't feel the same way? It's not like she would die, but would that ruin their friendship? But what if he liked her too? Then would they date? Was she even ready to date? She took a deep breath.

I... like you.

The pause told her all she needed to know. She raced out of the room. She didn't know where she was going, just that she needed to get away. She found herself outside, wandering along the huge grounds of Everglen. She wanted to go home, but she wasn't ready to go back inside to get her stuff before she left.

She heard footsteps behind her, and looked over her shoulder to see Fitz following her. "Sophie, wait!" he called as she turned to run from him. He caught her arm, turning her to face him. Sophie tried to wriggle out of his arms, but froze as he pressed his lips against hers. After a second she pressed back, and they stood there, in each other's arms. She ran her fingers through his hair and he tightened his grip on her waist. Finally they broke apart, and Sophie stood still, shocked. Fitz chuckled.

I should have done that right when you told me how you felt. I'm so sorry. I just... couldn't believe that you liked me too.


Fitz played with her hair. Of course I like you. That's what my secret was.


Fitz smiled. "Of course," he breathed into her hair. "Always."

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