Chapter 23: Acceptence

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Elle POV


Oh, it's you. Just a quick question. I honestly don't know what to call you.

You can just call me Mina.

Mina? Okay, sounds good.

Elle, I sense that your friends that are at Helms Deep are in grave danger.

Grave danger? What do you mean?

War is upon them. Ten thousand uruk-hai will soon march to Helms Deep to destroy the race of men.

No! This is bad. Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, and those two people I met there, King Theoden and Eowyn are there. I must help them. But how?

Bring the drakons to help fight at Helms Deep.

How can I? Last time I check, drakons don't really like humans because of what they did to us.

You don't know it. But you have the power to convince the drakons to fight. After all, you are the divine dragon. I assure you that you will find a way to convince them to fight for you against the uruk-hai.

Alright, I'll try my best. Thank you for telling me.

You're welcome, Elle. I'll always be here if you need my help.

Okay, first things first. I need Derek to help me out on this. I quickly went to find him. Then I thought for a second...

Idiot! I can just contact him with my mind.

I explained to Derek what Mina said to me.

Okay, you're right. This is bad. I may be the commander of the drakon forces but that doesn't mean that I can just pull an whole army to Helms Deep to fight. I need to get orders or permission from your parents to do so.

Then I'll just have to convince them.

But how? They don't like humans.

Trust me. I have my ways. Just meet me by the fountain that's in the garden.

Alright, then. I'll see you there.

I met up with Derek and I told him about what I was gonna do to try to convince my parents. I told him that I had to do this alone and Derek nodded his head. I went off to find my parents. They were in the throne room.

"Desca, what brings you too here?" My mom asked.

"I know you probably don't want to hear this from me. But please just listen to what I have to say." I said.

"What is this about?" My father said in a stern voice.

"The group that I traveled with, I sensed that they are endangered. Where they are, war is upon them. A huge army of uruk-hai were sent from Isenguard to end the race of men. Please, I want to help them. I don't want to see innocent people who have done nothing to die." I plead with my parents.

"NO, YOU CANNOT HELP THE HUMANS!" My father shouted.

"Dryden, please calm down. I know that we told her earlier before hand that she couldn't go to the fellowship. But I realized that now those people are her friends and lets not forget that Thranduil raised Elle so her perspective on humans are a little different." My mother said.

"But still... The humans would still be cruel to her." He said.

"Father, the humans have changed. I seen it. How long has it been that the drakons left Middle Earth? People change. I know it because I've seen it for myself. When I traveled with the fellowship, the men there were accepting of me." I said to my father.

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