Prologue: So it Begins

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Note: Playing the song is optional, depends on you really.

Two years have passed since the incident, now known as Phantom Planet, where Danny saved the planet from the 'Disasteroid' and revealed his identity to the people of the world. After a year the excitement of the hero died down but he was still recognized with the occasional picture and autograph. Danny was offered a spot in the Justice Leauge, which he respectfully (and excitedly) accepted and was now their youngest member. He was most favored by the Man of Steel himself, followed closely by the Dark Knight. It was also discovered that Danny had a long-lost older brother and after a tearful reunion the two kept in touch, though it was difficult to convince him to release Danny of their embrace after their first meeting. The next few days the brothers spent together catching up, playing games, or just plain hanging out. Now they are as close as though they were never apart in the first place. (No matter how embarrassing he can be sometimes) But as of this moment, none of that's important.

Now, one would think that on the bright sunny summer day of July nothing would go wrong. Team Phantom was taking a break from Ghost hunting as they strolled along the park waving and smiling at the general public. They stopped at a hill that has a single tree overlooking the city of Amity. "It's so nice to take a break once in a while." Sam said with a smile as she looked at her Halfla Boyfriend. "Yeah, tell me about it. The box ghost's been keeping me busy, again." Danny practically groaned out. "He's still at it?" Sam chuckled. "You'd think they'd give up by now, it's been years!" Jazz piped up. "Hey, at least you get some action! I'm stuck in my office doing paperwork!" Tucker complained. "The only good thing from this is I'm surrounded by my hot secretaries." He smiled wiggling his eyebrows. "Eww!" Jazz exclaimed as they laughed happily at their friend's strange antics. They sat together happily chatting while eating their picnic. Everything was going great... until a shot rang out as all the members of Team Phantom heard the horrible snapping of ribs. With shaky hands, Danny grasped the wound in his chest and pain rippled through his body. He fell to the floor, screaming and writhing in pain as his friend, sister and girlfriend looked on in horror. He gasped in pain but breathing was hard as a burning feeling filled his body as it felt like he was melting down. Jazz was breaking down as the sight before her. Tucker, with teary eyes, was trying in vain to contact the League. And Sam held the screaming Danny in her arms, as tears streamed down her face. She knew he was in pain, she knew he was dying, but there was nothing she could do but watch and try to comfort him... and that hurt her dearly. She thought about how close she was to death and how he would always be there to save her, all the times it was him who needed the saving, she was there but now. Now she felt useless, forced to watch the one she loved, be in so much pain, and there was nothing she could have done to stop it. What felt like a millennium later his screaming seized and his body when limp. Grinding her teeth, Sam's grip on Danny tightened and with her clouded judgment, she shook Danny calling out his name repeatedly. Nightwing was the first to arrive at the scene as Sam cradled Danny's limp form.


Unfortunately, he was too late. The funeral happened a few days later as the world mourned for their beloved hero. Not even a week later, chaos in Hong Kong as what looked to be a Dragon was rampaging through what used to be the city and was quickly moving to the next and the next. Next Dan escaped the thermos. He destroyed Amity Park, the only city that stood against him in his timeline, and went on to destroy another and another and another. The Justice League tried to take control but was no use, little by little their numbers plummeted somewhat steadily. With all the chaos energy from the world, a Sorcerer escaped from his bindings and reeked havoc in his wake. Chaos ruled the world and there was nothing the heroes could do about it. They tried, and so valiantly too, but they all died in battle. Each in vain for no one, not even the Justice League, has triumphed over these chaos bringers.

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