Chapter 3: Hard Beginnings -Danny- (Different ending)

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(Ok, before I start, I feel the need to clarify something. So a few people have been sending me questions, about Time Echo, if she's different from Clockwork and quite frankly repeating the explanation, again and again, is kind of tiring, so, here. An explanation of Time Echo, her powers and things I need to clarify. If you don't want to know skip this if you do get comfy. Just note I won't reveal EVERYTHING just yet.

SO Time Echo, as I hoped I've made it clear, is a ghost of Time like Clockwork. It's like another super rare species of ghost-like Halfla's, except there's just 2 of them. The distinction between Clockwork and Time Echo is that Clockwork can see all that is, was, and will be. Time Echo, on the other hand, can only see all that is, was, and will be wrong with the timeline. They kinda need each other but at the same time for most of this Clockwork can manage on his own. That's one reason Time Echo only comes when she's needed. When something is wrong she usually just stays long enough to show what's wrong, but there are special super rare cases where she deals with it herself, like in this. There is also the fact that Clockwork is at least a millennium or so older than Time Echo, in ghost-years. By ghost-years I mean that's how long they've been a ghost, and I've decided that when people die and become ghosts, they don't just poof into the Ghost Zone right after their death, it takes time. They need to develop their form, their obsession, and suck up the ectoplasm around them, in this process the forming ghost will be kept in an egg-like capsule. The longer the ghost stays in this capsule, the stronger the ghost. Popping this capsule too early will result in either a half-formed ghost or one of those cliché ghosts. While both Clockwork and Time Echo have the ability to stop time, Time Echo can only do that in a certain amount of time, depending on her current strength. Clockwork can pretty much do it however long he wants. To reset time, both Time ghosts need to be present and doing the 'spell' simultaneously. While Clockwork can freeze time and offer his time medallions to those he wishes to speak to, Time Echo simply places herself in a slightly different time speed, so that only those she chooses to may be able to see and hear her. Unlike Clockwork, Time Echo's ghostly tail is voluntary. She technically has legs, she just chooses not to use them. Let it be known that while Clockwork and Time Echo care for each other they WILL NOT END UP TOGETHER. God, with who they are to each other this would be just so WRONG.

And... well actually, no wait, that's all I can reveal, for now, stay tuned if you want to find out more!)

~Next Day~

Time Echo appeared in a familiar, yet empty lab, turning invisible upon arrival. Echo let out a sigh as she glanced at the portal before shaking her head. 'I have to focus.' She thought to herself before flying straight to the school, where she knew Danny would be. As she flew she switched back to her special time speed so that even Danny wouldn't sense her.

Upon arrival, Echo saw Danny and his friends climbing up the stairs. "I think I should tell them." Danny honestly admitted, just as Echo reached them. "Why?" Sam stubbornly asked. "Parents don't listen." She continued as the trio stopped midway up the stairs. "Even worse, they don't understand!" She frustratedly declared as she threw her head back. "Why can't they understand me for who I am!!" She indignantly screamed making Echo slightly 'stumble' backward whispering "Whoa." to herself. "Sam, I-I'm talking about my powers, my problems?" Danny pointed out bluntly. "Oh, right... me... too." Sam embarrassingly covered up. "It's been a month since the accident and I still have barely any control!" Danny desperately ranted. "If somebody catches me," Danny's legs turn intangible making him sink through the floor was Sam and Tucker simply watch and Echo look in surprise. "I'll go from geek to freak around here!" Danny finished crossing his arms with a frown. "Kinda like what you're doing now?" Tucker asked expectantly. Danny suddenly realizes his lower half became intangible causing him to sink and yelps before Sam and Tucker help pull him out. His feet and lower half returning to normal. "Now if only Nomi was here to see this. Friends are important." Echo smirked following the grumbling teen and his friends, continue up the stairs, raising her brow as Danny phases through a vending machine without noticing. "Danny, Your powers make you unique." Sam started catching up with Danny. "Unique is good!" Sam encouragingly smiled. "That's why I'm an ultra recyclo-vegetarian" She beamed (as much as a goth could anyway) proudly. "Which means what?" Tucker asked rather confused as he finally caught up. "She doesn't eat anything with a face on it," Danny replied rather bluntly. "That's every vegetarian though," Echo muttered. "Oh, who cares about that stuff?" Tucker rhetorically questioned. "Danny, two words: meat connoisseur," Tucker smirked as he sniffs the air around Danny. "Last night, you had Sloppy Joes." He guessed as Time Echo only stared, unsure of how to react to that. "Impressive," Danny commented smiling as his smug friend. "Meat heightens the senses, and my all-meat streak is fourteen years strong," Tucker claimed with a smile. "And it's about to end," Sam butted in crossing her arms. "The school board finally allowed to try a new cafeteria menu." She smirked. "I wore them down."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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