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alcohol and lust are lovers,
they live in my veins and feed of my blood and dance on the thin walls of my capillaries;
alcohol seems to lead,
lust seems to follow,
and together they ply open my heart,
climb through my blood vessels with their arms linked and feet tied,
and laugh as they tap their fingertips onto my calloused heartbeats.

alcohol and lust are partners in crime,
they steal my oxygen in the dead of night,
and leave my lungs to weep.
but darling, you wipe my organs' tears,
fill them up with oxygen every time your lips meet my own,
and drum your own heartbeat into my chest as you lay on top of me.

you bring me back to life and fill my veins with feeling,
and yet, i am only dead when vodka drips from my lips in messy lines,
and i am only numb when whiskey drowns my words in cotton;
i whisper i love you's as my legs shake and my vision goes white,
but it is only true when i an drunk.

this is shitty but it's 1.27am and i judt wanted to write something because i haven't in ages so yeah

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