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nostalgias my sweet summer baby,
kiss his honey lips and drown in his fruit punch tongue as he tells me,
"we can be young forever, darling. we'll be together till the sun dies, and we won't ever be sad again."
i rot in his strawberry lemon words and let my skin caramelise into gold

nostalgias my sweet balmy honey,
holds my sticky sweaty hand and whispers summer songs in my ear,
brings me back to lana del ray's soft voice floating in the suns fading lustre,
and the warmth of my old lover's gentle touch as raspberry and lemon bloomed and popped on our tongues

i don't like being sad,
and i don't like being alone,
so i'll stay with my sweet sorbet love
until the sun sets.

hhhng idk what this is but i kinda like it

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