The Last Thing I Need is a Doughnut

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(Sadie's POV)

   It had been a long day at work, not to mention that Lars had been an enormous butthead to me all day. I don't even know why I try to get him out of his comfort zone to talk to me, heck I don't even know why I've fallen for the guy. I guess past all that stuff showing through, Lars is an amazing person. Anyways, Lars told me today that he was going to hang out with Buck and all them at a party, which would be fine if we hadn't made plans to hang out beforehand. He also threw in a bunch of stuff about how much he just loves Buck so much. Gosh, sometimes I don't know whats keeping them from getting together to.. well y'know. As soon as I got off of work at 5, I left and didn't turn back. Lars was curious as to why I was upset all day, but I guess it's not obvious enough for him.

   It's now 5:17, Lars has tried to call me several times via phone, but I never bothered even to look at it. 'What does he even want? To make me feel better so he can make me feel worse tomorrow?', I thought as I turned the key to my front door. With relief, I shut the door behind me and slumped down. Inside, I was angry, confused, and hurt, but somehow I never even showed even a little bit of emotion on the outside. Could it be that even through this frustration, I know that it will be alright? No, it's nonsense. Tomorrow, Lars will do something stupid just like any other day. With a sigh, I got up to go to my room just to take a break on the laptop or something. The last thing I need right now is a doughnut.

   My room was dark and comforting, almost like a warm blanket on a cold day. On my bed, my laptop practically called my name. Without hesitation, I threw myself and my phone on my bed and opened my laptop to get into InnominateMessanger. Essentially, you talk anonymously with people until you find someone you like chatting with, then you give them your username on IM so you can talk to them further. Personally, I just like meeting new people to get my mind off of things, but I guess that's just me. As soon as I had logged on, my phone was being rung by Lars. I slid my finger to the left, only to see that I had 9 missed calls from Lars. He makes me so angry sometimes but all I can do is sulk around in my room, waiting for this to happen all over again.

   I ignored the calls from Lars once again, and clicked the big green 'Start Chatting' button. As I waited for it to load, I wondered who I would be paired with. Not that it's a big deal, but it's always weird looking back on why I wondered about it, knowing who they are now. Finally, the screen loaded and there was a greeting on it.

"Hey" it said.

"Hey" I replied.

"Wow, that's original. Don't you have anything else to say?"

   What they said is pretty much what Lars says to me when I reply with a bland answer or one that's copying his, not that it matters though.

"Haha okay then. Well, how are you?"

"I'm ok I guess. Long day."

"Same here." I replied.

"Oh man. Well do you want to talk about it? I mean, only if you want to."

   I thought about what I would say to this person for a while. I don't even know them and getting too into details would probably result in a giant mess.

"Long story short, there's this guy I like.. a lot.. But he completely blew me off. The thing is, he does this almost every day. Its just tiring."

"Oh wow. That's harsh."

"Yeah.. how about you?"

"I upset the girl I was going to ask on a date today. I made a fool out of myself, thinking that I would just show up to her house after a while but I funked that up."

   The conversation went on for a while longer but never actually got anywhere. Throughout the whole time, I couldn't help but think of Lars. Yeah sure, he may be a jerk, but under all that.. stupidness, is a really sweet and insecure guy.

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