A Long Road of Awkwardness

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   I don't know why I was surprised that the person I was talking to was Lars. Everything about the conversation was sortof familiar in a way. The fact that I had told Lars about my problems before I even knew it was him is almost mind boggling. I wonder if he's noticed that he was talking to me yet. I soon added him on IM, but I don't think that he will know that it's me because my name isn't associated with my username.

   All of a sudden, I realised that Lars could be here any minute and I look like absolute shit. Not to mention my room is a mess. Frantically, I was getting myself into better clothing and speeding around my room, trying to get things cleaned. I looked up at my clock that read 6:27, Lars left around 20 minutes ago and it takes only 20 minutes to get to my house from his. Getting just a tad more anxious, I checked my phone. Nothing was there except for a background of Lars and I. Lars is the one taking the photo and he is shoving me into it. I look terrible but everything about Lars makes me want to melt. He is so adorable in his own childish ways. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I jumped and threw my phone down, luckily the carpet broke it's fall. I practically ran to where the sound came from. I opened the door and there was Lars, standing there with his hand behind his head with a red face.

"H-hey." He stuttered.

"Oh. Hi.. C'mon in." I replied, standing aside.

   I could pretty much feel my face heating up and getting red before looking away. Lars pushed past me, putting the white plastic bags on the counter behind me. I could already tell this would be a long road of awkwardness. Lars turned around and that's when I realized that I was starring at him. His face turned redder than before and I could tell he was going to think of something witty to say.

"Is my face that beautiful thad you have to stare at it like that?"

   I started laughing harder than I should have. Built up tears started pouring out and I could practically feel the concern coming from Lars.

"Uh. Sadie? Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said, half-laughing, wiping tears from my eyes.

"Oh man well I brought Dark Lords III if you want. Oh! Also I brought you some jumbo dots.. because I know you like them so much."

"Awe. You didn't have to." I said, walking over to the counter to move the bags to my room.

"No it's the least that I could do. I've been such a jerk to you and... you don't even deserve it." He said, as he followed me to my room.

"I don't know how I'm going to make up for it but I swear I will." He added on.

"Really Lars, it's ok." I responded, setting down the bags under the TV in my room.

"Sadie, it's not ok. My dumb plan caused you stress and I feel bad." He said, looking away.

   My eyes were wide and all I could do was stare at him. He never really does mean to hurt me I guess, even though he has done some crappy stuff. I really like this guy and I don't even know why. Was it his adorable personality? Or maybe his cute face? No, it wasn't any of those things. Well, maybe a little bit but there was something that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Oh right! The game." I said as I turned around, connecting the controllers.

One Last Chance  [Sadie x Lars]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant