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Luciano Vargas (2P!Italy):

He is quite rather moody.

His skin is light tan with violet pink eyes(or red perhaps)

His hair is dark red brown and a curl(Don't Touch It!.)

He's kinda tall.

He has a brown uniform (quite similar to Italy's uniform but its blue.)

And a has a hat with purple feathers with it.

Feliciano Vargas (1P!Italy)

He is a get along person and really nice.(He surrenders to anyone if they try to hurt him.)

He has white skin he has yellow eyes.(But never opens them if he wants too.)

He also have a curl too.

He is also kinda tall.

His Uniform is blue.(Forgot to mention his uniform is for war or something else but eh.)

They Are the Main Characters.

Also other nations will be in it!(Yes be happy blah blah blah)

(Note to self:Luciano's weakness is that he loves sweet things.)

Almost forgot it has blood and cursing or how I should I say uhm..oh yeah beautiful colorful words.Ciao!

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