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"Huey? Huuueeey? Aye nigga? Wake yo punk ass up. It's time for school foo." Riley yells into Huey's ear. Huey starts to turn and opens his deep maroon-colored eyes. He looked up at his childish brother that was standing above him.

"Yea yea nigga. Summers over. Time to go back to hell. Ion know bout yo gay ass. But I'm Finna get me some hoes." He says walking out of the room grabbing his backpack from the floor.

Huey sighs and turns over in his bed, covering himself with his pillow. Huey hates Woodcrest. And the worst part was the schools. The halls crowded with smelly people. Gossip girls, nosy people. All that. He hates it. I mean who wouldn't? He finally gains the strength to get out of bed and take his early morning shower. He puts on his clothes and stares at his reflection in the mirror. It was slightly blurred from the water vapor from the steamy shower. But deep within it. You saw a proud black man who stands strong. This is the start of his junior year. He has one more year of this and soon, he'll be out and he hopes to be in Cuba by then. He walks into the room and grabs his backpack that hung on the door. He hurried downstairs where he saw his grandad passed out on the couch in nothing but his underwear. He shook his head and continued into the kitchen where his brother was.

"Yo grandad be on some gay shit foreal nigga." Riley said opening the refrigerator.

Huey grabbed an apple and took a bite.

"The bus will be here shortly." Huey reminded Riley.

"Yeah I know. Ion care doe. Forget that." He waved off. Now you see, Riley is starting his freshman year of high school. He just hates school in general and barley even shows up anyway. 


They heard the bus outside. 

"Aight lesgo." Riley said, sighing and walking outside with Huey trailing behind.

The bus doors opened and they climbed inside seeing the former "bus driver" uncle Ruckus.

"Now I wouldn't normally let y'all monkeys on the bus but the white man told me I have to. Just make sure you sit ya asses in the back." The racist black man spoke.

"Already on it." Huey mumbled as he made is way to the back of the bus. Riley didn't listen and sat in the middle and put in his earbuds and started blasting his music.

"Riley? Ain't you heard me?" Uncle Ruckus said looking at Riley through the mirror.

He couldn't hear him so he didn't say anything.

"Boy don't make me come back there. I'd smack the evil black out cha." He said.

"Know what? I give up. That boy never listens..you better be glad I know yo grandfather boy or I'd beat you like the slaves back in 1975." 

Huey got side tracked by spotting someone's puffy hair pop up from the front of the bus. It was Jazmine. Their neighbor.

"Hi Huey, Hi Riley. Isn't it a beautiful day?" She smiled broadly. Huey rolled his eyes. Jazmine is the only peachy and vibrant person Huey knows here in Woodcrest. He doesn't understand how she could be so happy in this cold, cold town. 

"Hey there my mulatto girl. As you know you are half black. But you still got the white in ya. Sit anywhere you want." Ruckus said.

"Okay." She said happily. She walked closer to Huey and he knew she was going to sit next to him. There's no escaping her.

"Hiiii Huey." She said playfully nudging him in the arm. He sighed.

"Hello Jazmine." He said crudely, not making eye contact.

"Aren't you super happy to be starting junior year?" She asked.

"When have I ever been happy about school Jazmine." He said.

"Yeah good point. You're never happy. Always depressed." She said looking down at her fingers in her lap.

"Accurate." He said pulling out one of his science studies books. He opened it and began reading.

Jazmine sighed.

"Huey? Are you ever gonna be happy? Ever since we were kids you've always been so...down." She said.

"That is because ever since we were kids I've been living here. Understand my point?" Huey says.


"Well. I know you hate it here. To be honest, I don't really like it here either. But you have to look at the brighter side. Things could get better if you're willing to change it. You've always wanted to change the world Huey."

"I've been trying everything I can to change this town, and the world. But I am one person and can't do much. And I've been trying for years. There's no use. This town is physically impossible to improve or prosper. That's why I would really like to move either back home to Chicago or out of the United States for good. Like in Cuba or somewhere." Huey explained.

"Huey, running away won't solve your problems. Do you really think you'd be happier in Chicago or Cuba? Anything could happen there. Especially in Chicago." Jazmine said worriedly.

"Yes I would be happier in Chicago. That's where I was born. And even if something did go wrong there, at least I'm not here." He said.

The bus got quiet and the only thing heard was the running bus and Riley's loud music.

Jazmine looked up at Huey as he read his book. 

"I guess I understand. I just don't want you to leave your family and friends behind." She said looking away again.

"I don't have friends here. Or if I did, they're not real friends." 

Jazmine's face narrowed with sadness.

The bus started to fill up with neighborhood kids and it got louder. Riley dapped up one of his friends from last year and Uncle Ruckus yelled at a few black kids. The same as last year. Nothing new. Except...a beautiful ebony girl stepped on the bus. She was not recognized by anyone and she appeared to be new to the neighborhood. 

"Sit at the back brown one." Uncle Ruckus said about to pull off. She looked surprised at what was said to her. She looked around but she saw that the back of the bus was already taken full of black kids.

"But there's no more room in the back." She said nervously.

Uncle Ruckus turned around and looked around. He spotted Jazmine sitting next to Huey.

"Hey mulatto girl. Come sit in the front away from these niggas." He said motioning her to sit in the empty spot in the front.

 She was hesitant before she decided to get her things and move.

"There. Sit in that spot." Said Ruckus. She obeyed and sat next to Huey who continued to read as if she wasn't there.

The bus jolted forward and they were off to Woodcrest High. Jazmine occasionally looked back at Huey. She felt bad for him. She always wanted to be considered a friend of Huey. But I guess he never understood what she was trying to do. She tries her hardest to make him smile, but he never does.

The ebony girl looked at Huey, determined to introduce herself.

"Uh...hi my name is Essence. I'm new to the neighborhood." She said holding out her hand.

"Yeah, whatever." He said not bothering to acknowledge her.

She slowly dropped her hand and sighed.

This is going to be a long day for the poor new girl. And for Huey.


Yeah...new book

And it was lit to me

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