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A pic for a pic ?😊

Does anyone told you that is bad to left people on read ?

Does anyone told you that is bad to text to strangers?

Oh shit i just realised how bad that sounded

Oh really I didn't notice

I don't appreciate your sarcasm Reus

I appreciate myself

Well if I send you a selfie you gotta send me one two.

I don't think so


My parents told me to not send pics to strangers I'm sorry

But baby I'm not a stranger anymore
I'm your brothers bf

Didn't knew that my brother was gay
Thats cute

Stop being sarcastic
They are not even funny

You are Annoying

I'm just pleasingyou to send you a selfie of me that isn't on google and you are refusing.

U are annoying does anybody told u that ?

No they used to tell me other things ;)

No they used to tell me other things ;)

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Here you are

Those lips😍

You are making me refusing that I send it to you

I'm sorry baby but I wanted to be honest ..

{rbuerki just started following christinareus }

{rbuerki just started following christinareus }

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I promised it

Does anyone told you that your face is really funny

You have the same humor with your brother

If you don't like stop texting me

That's what I'm gonna do.
Jk baby, you will never get rid of me😘
I've been wandering if I could meet you sometime ?? Wdyt?❤️

I don't think that there's a reason for that


Where the fuck are u


Burki has been chatting with me the last 3 days

Ja ik that


He told me about you idiot

Man wtf did u know that he was about to ask me to meet him?

Jesus takes the wheel
Wtf no
What did u say?

I told him that theres no reason for that
And he left me on read maybe he is pissed of hahah

Did y said something to Marco ?

Ofc not

Amazing ..I will find 2morrow what Burki is planning and I will tell ya😉

Thanks marcito❣️Kisses to Mel and Gala,goodnight xx

Love you bitch 😘😘

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