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The sun was blazing.

Even though it was lunchtime, there were students who were still training.

One of them was Lux, who was now resting under the shade near the school gates.

Unfortunately, his rest was suddenly interrupted with the arrival of someone who came over to tell him that he apparently has a guest waiting for him in the drawing room.

As he walked to his destination, he was feeling rather unsettled.

I wasn't expecting anyone today though...

He scrambled for thoughts on who it could be.

Relie-san wouldn't just let anyone come and go as they please and arbitrarily demand for the criminal under the Queen's jurisdiction.

Could it be someone of the Four Great Nobles? Ah... come to think of it, isn't the Captain also capable.....?

Stopped shortly in his tracks by the unfortunate scenarios he played in his head, he hung his head in defeat.

I'm not looking forward to either though...

He prayed all the way to the drawing room for his thoughts to not be true.


(• ▽ •;)


「Yahoo~ We meet again, Onii-chan.」

The enthusiastic greeting was from none other than the Dragon Paladin of Ymir Theocracy, Mel Gizalut.

She was a mischievous girl who duped the naive Lux the first day he came to Ymir.

He looked back to that day.

Honestly, if the other party involved wasn't Krulcifer, I really would've been branded a criminal.

He looked at the younger Paladin.

This kid, seriously....

However, she's a nice person deep down and they actually share a good relationship after the attempted kidnapping incident of the young Pope, but-


I don't know if I should be happy...!

「That's- err....」

Her appearing out of nowhere just like in Ymir is making me nervous. She's not here to pull pranks again is she?

He shook his head, berating himself for overreacting when that incident already happened long ago.

「What are you doing here?」

She didn't come see Krulcifer... does that mean it's not something related to Ymir but solely the Paladins?

「Uwah! How cold! I came all the way here to graciously tell you something important, but you seem very eager to get me out of your sight right this instant!」

「Tha-that's, no... I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me. Surely the trip from Ymir to the New Kingdom must have wearied you.」

「Heh, of course not! This is me we're talking about. Long-distance trips are nothing!」

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