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A horse carriage arrived in Einfolk territory at Ymir Theocracy. It wasn't in the Holy Capital but where the main residence of the Einfolk House was, in a private territory within the eastern woodlands.

「...I didn't expect this. It's deep in the forest but, there's even a small-scale city here.」

「Yes, well, everything within this territory is managed by the Einfolk House.」

「What's that?! Isn't the Einfolk House the equivalent of a marquess in the New Kingdom then?」

「The hierarchy here is a bit different so, I won't blame you. But that kind of talk will put the House in some unfavorable circumstances so it will be better not think too much about it.」

「.....huh, I understand.」

When Lisha observed their destination, Krulcifer replied with a natural 'as-a-matter-of-fact' that made the princess re-evaluate the real standing of the Einfolk family but got told to lay low instead.

「Welcome, Ojou-sama, and everyone from the New Kingdom. You must be tired from the long trip. Please, let me help you in.」

「Thank you, Alterize. But, they aren't here for a formal gathering. It's fine so, they are quite embarrassed to be formally greeted in this state anyway.」

The invitation this time emphasized the lack of formality and to just come as Krulcifer's friends. When Krulcifer told them back then to relax and just be comfortable, well, they did. They did but—

Shit, Lisha cursed to herself while adjusting her clothes. I look like a balloon right now but I'm still freezing!

「A-ah, yes! Thank you for the invitation!」

「I am honored.」

「Thank you for」

They wore layers of clothes that didn't care for appearance but rather only cared for the warm comfort against the freezing winds that seriously felt like it was blowing from the Ragnarok—Fenrir's mouth.

「Huh?! Oi! Why are you already thinking about the food you airhead!」

「...I wonder if Lu-chan already ate.」

「You aren't listening?!」

The female butler chuckled at their exchange but seemed to want to say something when they broached that topic.

「That's quite alright, but—」

Alterize showed them in and greeted the rest of the family members. It was the same faces, so it wasn't that awkward. The family head Stiyl Einfolk warmly welcomed them.

「Ah, welcome, my daughter, and every one of the New Kingdom. Please, don't stand on ceremony.」

When everyone ended their greetings with a polite bow, it was evident that Stiyl was puzzled at the absence of someone. Alterize quickly continued from where she left off earlier.

「—Er, about Lux-sama, well, he hasn't arrived yet. 」


Everyone carefully processed her words.


While the rest of them were shocked at Lux's absence when he should have already a few days ago, Stiyl noticed that and gave a slightly concerned look to her daughter.

「Why? What is it? Lux-dono isn't with you? Won't he be able to make it or—?」

「Ah no, it's not that, Otou-sama..... I believe he will arrive soon.」

Krulcifer closed the matter without making a big deal out of it, but she too was puzzled. She settled it with a reminder to herself to contact Mel later.

「.....I see. Is that so...? Ah, I nearly forgot but, there are also other guests here. I'm sure you still recognize them, Krulcifer」


Stiyl trudged, albeit elegantly to the main hall, supported by an Alpacca Silver Feather swirl cane which, as expected, emphasized his sophistication. This time, the party was intended to be a friendly occasion and so was held with only Krulcifer's closest peers.

However, the sight that greeted her was with people who were neither friendly nor close to her.

Krulcifer reacted in no more of disappointment when she recognized a group of four gathered at the center, around the same age as they were.

The group noticed the other guests and resolutely faced towards them and yet bowed awkwardly, caught off guard by their sudden arrival. With no one among them attempting to start a conversation first, a boy with auburn hair tried to greet her swimmingly.

「Krulcifer! Long time no—」

「We meet again, Sir Norris.」

He laughed nervously.

「No need to be so stiff—」

「As acquaintances, I'm afraid, I have to address you properly.」


You'd normally expect the Syvalles to feel awkward in that situation but then again, this kind of happening is more or less not unusual in the noble scene.


After testing the waters for a bit, Lisha nudged Krulcifer to calm down a bit.

「.....Where are my manners. Alterize, guide them to their rooms.」

As the Syvalles deserted the main hall, Krulcifer turned to her father with a slightly displeased look.


She looked as she wanted to complain about something but, if she ruined the mood here, then her family's careful attempt at rekindling their bonds with her might as well go down the drain.

「No, nevermind. I'll excuse myself for the moment.」

The boy—Norris, along with two other boys and a girl, tried to hold off and make small talk with Krulcifer but, she gently excused herself.

When she was in her room now, Krulcifer couldn't help but let out a sigh. She was expecting this chance to be a breather, with her closest peers and family, and yet—

No, she suddenly thought. Why am I complaining? Just do it like you always do. I'm letting my feelings show too much.

It wasn't that they were the sons and daughter of lower ranks than her family but, she certainly couldn't be bothered entertaining acquaintances at this chance.

She sighed, reeling in the memory of her past.

「I guess they're here for those kinds of matters anyway.」

She heard loud voices outside her room and remembered that the other girls' rooms were on the same floor and hall as hers.

「They must have mistaken me for my past self. It will be a blunder on their part if they think they can still slither their way through.」

She changes into something less baggy and prepares to gather with the other girls.

「Just like before...」

She waits by her door as the Syvalles just finished changing into something more light now that they were inside the warm residence.

「 What's the plan now?」

「Would you all like to go for a little walk?」

The Syvalles looked at each other while Lisha looked at the girl in front of her incredulously.

「....You're joking, right?」

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