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It was the day after their meeting.

The agenda this time would be to intercept a possible plot to start a worldwide crisis involving an unidentified poison.

It has been roughly a day now and two members of the Seven Dragon Paladins finally arrive at their designated locations to investigate after traveling directly along the borders in order to scout too.

「Fuuah... How about it, Onii-chan? Let's call it a day for now ok? It's already dark anyway.」

「Yes, I agree. I'm also tired so I'll see you tomorrow.」

As Lux was going to find an inn to stay in for the night since Mel stayed in one of the church's management, Mel called out to him after remembering something.

「By the way, Onii-chan, by the time tomorrow arrives, isn't the New Kingdom's raid squad going to be already here by then? After all, I heard the Einfolk House told that Krulcifer to invite them.」

「You're right. How should we deal with them however, I do not know. It's going to be hard to slip out of their company and investigate secretly. Especially when it comes to Krulcifer-san.」

「Yep yep. I can already guess she almost found you out huh? Geez, you're too easy to read.」

At that unintentional insult, Lux could only show a wry smile.

「Well then...」

4:33 AM

It was now the day after they've arrived in Ymir. By dusk, the Syvalles would already be here.

It was not just these two, but all the Seven Dragon Paladins were not wearing their pilot suits.

It was a peculiar order from Magialca. However, Lux dismissed the thought because the captain gave all them uniforms instead. That is, the official uniform of the Seven Dragon Paladins mutually decided on by the world alliance.

Yesterday, it was snowing quite heavily so he was thankful that today was even just a bit calmer. You could even say the skies were clear, if not for some light snow falling. Mel told him too that for quite a few days now, the falling of snow has been rather passive-aggressive, so to speak. He didn't need to ask. He could tell by the piling snowdrifts. 

「Mel... today's our last chance to investigate freely. Assuming they departed early, we only have until tonight.」

「I know, Onii-chan. No fooling around, right?」

With that, they start their investigation early in the morning. They, fortunately, had a plan ahead so they first decided to survey the terrain.

「No, let us not waste time by going to the capital. As careless as it sounds, I believe they wouldn't be setting up their business out in plain sight. Normally...」

「Ah...remote places.....the mountainous regions huh? I get it. Let's go.」

5:52 PM

They were flying and occasionally investigating on foot for several hours now, with breaks in between, and cautiously surveyed all the mountain cliff caves, some isolated towns, started on each side of the borders, infiltrated the markets, but none turned up.

Right then, a report via Dragon Voice came in. It was made to be heard and transmitted to every member of the Seven Dragon Paladins so that everyone is updated on the progress.

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