Chapter 4

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 This chapter is by Garnetlazuli You should check out her other story, The War of Four

My short silver hair flew back as I ran. My bare feet pounded against the hard pavement. I wasn't sure where I was headed, I just knew I had to go. My head was spinning as my jumbled thoughts bounced around inside my mind. I felt sick. Why couldn't I read the words on the side of the truck? An even greater and more powerful wave of sickness washed over me as I wondered if I was starting to forget other things too, like how to read. I ran faster, trying to push the idea from my head, trying to run from the dreadful thought. More similar questions came though. Ones that were even more frightening. What if I forgot the Hales? What if I forgot the new name they gave me? Nerves churned my stomach until I forced myself to stop running. I leaned over and vomited on the side of the street. My sweaty hands shook as I stood back upright.

In and out

In and out

I focused on my breaths, trying to calm myself and keep the rest of my late breakfast inside of me. I looked around, trying to get a grip on my surroundings. I spotted a street sign in the distance but once again the words blurred together.

In and out

In and out

I walked a bit further. I crossed the street into a small forest. I pushed my way through fallen branches, straying away from the path. Leaves, pinecones, and broken twigs crunched under my feet. I looked around, even more lost than I was before. Worry began to consume my thoughts once again. I sat down, leaning against the trunk of a nearby tree. I felt guilty. Guilty for leaving Mako. And guilty for leaving Mr and Mrs Hale, after they had shown me such kindness, after they had welcomed me into their home, treated me like their daughter. I had left them, left them behind because I wanted answers. But how was I going to find them? For gosh sakes I don't even know my real name. I should have just asked them for help, they would've tried to help me find my real parents. If I had been honest with them about my dreams and how badly I wanted to remember who I was, I know they wouldn't have stopped until they'd helped me. That was just who they were, kind and compassionate, always wanting to help. I squeezed my eyes shut, deeply regretting my decision to run. For now I was lost. Maybe it was for the best. Simon was happy, the Hales wouldn't be awoke each night by my screaming. I don't know. I wasn't sure of anything. I kept my eyes closed and stayed there for a while, stuck in some awful space between sleep and wakefulness. I stood up with a jolt as a sudden familiar sound pierced through the air.


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