Chapter 5

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I lean against the tree, hoping I am imagining Mako's little voice.

In and Out.

In and Out.

"Sammy!" He calls again and I know that it is positively Mako.

"Mako!?" I shout and push off the tree. A throbbing headache starts to overcome my senses. A hear another voice, Simon's, before I collapse.

They must have been close because I can hear them running to my side. I have trouble focusing though and can't figure out who is who. I feel myself losing consciousness I move my hand to my chest as I struggle to breath. Instead of the constant buzz I felt before is a staccato loud hum, like starting the engine of an old car. I squeeze my eyes shut.

In and Out

In and Out

In...In... In and Out

I struggle to breathe. Something is shoved in my mouth. I swallow it with great effort. Then I fall asleep.


I awake when the moon is rising in the sky. I am moving. I look around. The ground moves backward in a steady rhythm. I feel light cotton under my fingers. I struggle from the person's grasp, before realizing it's Simon.

"Simon?" I am surprised he is carrying me, he has never shown this amount of kindness. Before I can ask he answers my question I have in my head.

"Mako wanted me to." A faint Oh escapes my lips as I hop down. I had hoped he did it out of kindness. I look around, attempting to find Mako.

"Where is he?"

"I convinced Mako to go back, under the condition that I protected you." I turn to face Simon, his hair is slightly matted.

"What happened?" I ask

"I'm not sure. You passed out and well, I don't know. Mako said I should give you medicine. He said something like, 'medicine always makes me better.' So I went through your bag and found these." Simon reaches into his pocket. He pulls out my medication. One pill is left. Fear floods my insides, for several reasons. The pills were supposed to be a secret. They even had a label telling me to use them once a month and to never tell a soul. It also said that they were essential for my survival. That meant I only had one month left to live. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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