May 15th

3 0 0

It's my Birthday! It's my Birthday! Yeyyy!!
Presents here I come.
New tracksuit yes. New phone even better. Loads of cash, that's what I'm talking about.
Can't wait for everyone to get here.
''DING'' Yey people are here.
Jeez there is a lot of people. I don't know half of these. I think the invites went viral. Oh well shud be fine.

1 hour later:

People turning up with alcohol and that now great as long as I don't have some it shud be fine. 'Hey there ' came a voice from behind me. Feeling a hand touch my shoulder I turn to see who's voice it belonged to. In front of me now stud a stunning boy. My mouth dropped and my Hart staring beating really fast.
'Hi I'm Dillon, and you are' as I introduced myself my eyes never left his. His eyes a colour if blue they were the most noticeable feature of him.
I new this was love at first sight and I wud do anything he wanted me to do...

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