↳ chapter three

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ella didn't get any sleep at all that night. she was zoned out for the entire night, staring at the door, replaying what happened last night over and over and over again.

what in the name of fuck was that thing? it was a girl - she knew that.

but it was such a dark figure. she wore a black and white dress, she wore bows in her hair, she had solid black eyes, and she was most definitely creepy.

but the thing about her - it vanished. it vanished into thick air. it was so weird, if ella didn't recollect herself soon enough, she would've probably fainted.

she's out of her thinking trance and soon as she hears a knock on the door.

she jumps, startled, but just like she did before, she recollected herself.

she stood up and walked over to the door only to find bianca on the other side.

"ella! you look horrendous, what happened?"


"never mind that, where were you? once second you were in the corner by the food table yelling at the wall or something, and then i don't see you for the rest of the night. where did you go?"

"yelling at the wall? bianca, tell me you saw that creepy dark girl in the corner."

"what creepy dark girl? in what corner? ella," concern takes over bianca's face. "are you insane?"

"bianca, i swear to you, t-there was this girl! and she had this dark vibe to her, and she was wearing a dress, and she had bows in her hair, and when she turned to look at me, her eyes were all black, like no white at all, and then she vanished!" ella seemed pretty insane by now.

"you have to belive me," she whispered.

bianca doesn't answer; she just simply stares ahead at ella.

"i'm sorry ella, i have to go."
and with that she's gone. out the door. left.

ella runs her hand through hair, she's been doing that a lot lately - which wasn't exactly a good thing.

ella knew what this was. this was stress. it was all the stress of moving, and thinking, and the old town, and the new town, all pressing down on her making her like this.

it was true that ella thinks a lot. yes, it's impossible to go without thinking for a single second, but ella thought all the time. she thought about anything to everything. it's just as if everything is swarming around in her mind, and she needs to think about it.

she thinks about calling elliot for a moment, and maybe asking him to set up a room for her in new york, because she knew this small town girl scene wasn't her.

she tried for a day or two but this wasn't just her; or so she told herself. no one really knew who ella was in the end.

after pacing around her room for about half an hour, ella decided she actually would call elliot.

she picked up her phone from her pocket and tapped on elliot's name.

her phone fell onto the floor.

her front door opened and slammed shut.

the lights flickered off.

the call disconnected.

and there was a knife held to ella's neck.


okay so dedication goes to ella, @moaningluke, bc i just realized that i stole her name for this fic oops. well at least now you have a calum fic for you, ella. even though it wasn't really intended haha

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