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"Liv, you need to take a break and rest. Casey and I will handle it while you rest" said Melinda

"Thanks Mel, but I doubt I'll be able to rest. Fin should be here anytime" said Olivia

"Do you think that somebody could have targeted her?" asked Melinda

"I don't know. She never said anything to me about it" said Olivia

"I can't help but think that maybe somebody had a grudge against Sonya. She fell off the face of the earth, everyone thought she was dead, and then we find her in a different states, and now she is missing" said Melinda

"Hey guys, security footage shows Sonya leaving the firm in a hurry" said Casey 

"What's in her hand" pointed Melinda

"Not sure,it looks like a piece of paper,  but we need to search her apartment again. I'm not sure if we looked well enough" said Olivia 

Later at Sonya's apartment

"Okay we need to look for any small piece of paper that she may have left behind" said Olivia

"I'll look in the bedroom" said Casey

"I'll check the office" said Melinda walking down the hall

Walking into Sonya's office, Melinda looked for anything that could help tell them where Sonya was. 

Looking at all of the scattered papers on her desk, Melinda noticed a notepad that Sonya had used and then ripped the paper off. She picked up a pencil off of the desk and began to shade the notepad. 3412 Montgomery st. appeared on the notepad. 

"Guys" hollered Melinda

"She wrote down an address and it looks like that type of paper she was holding in the footage" said Melinda

"Let's meet Fin at the hotel and we will plan out what to do" said Casey

At the hotel

"Okay Fin, what did you find" asked Olivia

"Sonya made a withdraw from her bank account that morning before going into work. The clerk said that she seemed worried and anxious. She said that Sonya withdrew 100K out of her account then left in a hurry" said Fin

"Okay, so did we find what the address mean't" asked Casey

"Well it looks like that address corresponds to a warehouse just outside of town" said Melinda

"Do we know who owns it" asked Olivia

"His name is Jason Martin. Here is the interesting thing. He is a registered sex offender that is originally from Queens" said Melinda

"So Sonya could be in real danger" said Casey

"Possibly, but Martin was caught with child porn so it's unlikely that he has Sonya for any sexual desire. But possibly revenge" said Melinda

"What are you saying Mel" asked Olivia

"I'm saying that he is a sex offender from Queens that had a thing for little kids. Guys, no matter what Adam said when confessed, I think he had a partner" said Melinda

"And you think Martin was the partner that got away." said Casey

"Well it makes sense. Adam doesn't give Martin up so he can continue what they started" said Olivia

"I say that we go to the warehouse" said Melinda

"Mel we need back up" said Olivia

"Well Liv, if me and you are suited up and we have Casey and Melinda who both know how to handle a gun we should be good. But, we can have back up on stand by" said FIn

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