Personal Matters

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Okay listen, maybe in this book, I put my feelings into Angela's place. I love Angela and her personally, but I just sometimes out my feelings into her place!

So I'm going through some hard times in real life right now, don't want to express it to the world. That's why I'm not saying what is happening. But I am depressed, let's put it that way. I love to write and the person I see said it's good for me to write! I like to write out my feelings in journals, Wattpad, anything really! I love to sing and to draw! Drawing calms me down when I'm upset. If I want to cry, and I can't, when I pick up and pencil and piece of paper, it all gets better.

I don't want you guys to feel pity for me. So I'm not going all the way into detail. But if you notice some things a depressed little child like me would say/do, it's not really Angela. I personally put some things of my own in Angela because I think she is a good person and all, but don't wanna make it to personal. I love Angela irl (as a friend) and don't want anything to change about her, but I tend to write out my feelings.

If you are going through something and need someone to talk to, you can always private message me anytime on here. I might not reply right away, but I will reply. Please, I ask you, that if your going to do self harm tell an adult. If you tell me your going to harm yourself or anyone else, I have to tell someone. I don't want you or anyone else dying.

Again, I know what it feels like to go through depression. Not hey whole thing like "oh I'm totally depressed because my bf just like broke up with me!". That's not depression. Depression is in a deeper state of mind not some prissy girls boy problems.

But if you think your going through depression, get some help. Talk to me, talk to an adult, talk to someone you trust. I'm willing to help, even if it's just through texts. Actually right now I'm up at 12:24 am writing this. That's how bored I am. That's how much I think about this stuff. Please contact me if needed.

Again, I'm fine I'm just going through hard times. Pleas contact me if needing help at:
Private messages on here.
werewolf_riley_ on Instagram
rbrady50 on Snapchat

I love you all very much. Never give up! Never stop going! At one point in life, you will find happiness!

Bye my Werewolves and be safe!


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