Chapter four

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Meep, sorry this took so long, had something of a Renegade Angels fic crisis over the weekend. Which is still not quite over with yet, but I felt I could do with a break. -.-

Title: And I Will Walk On Water (4/18)

Characters: Dean and Castiel, Sam, Lucifer

Rating: PG-13

Word Count: ~6,800

Summary: Lucifer makes an offer, and nothing seems to go right in Dean's world for very long.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

"Hello, Dean," Lucifer said mildly as he approached Dean, and on the surface it was not too unlike the way Castiel sometimes greeted him, but Dean felt chilled through and through. Lucifer's eyes weren't black or red or white or anything like that -- they were perfectly normal, hazel eyes -- but they were intense in a way that made Dean think Lucifer's looks probably could actually kill, because his was a gaze that seemed it could reach down into a guy and make his soul wither. He moved with a lazily casual grace, and stopped a few feet in front of Dean.

Dean swallowed hard and could feel every hair on his body stand on end even as he broke out in a nervous sweat. But then Castiel got painfully to his feet to stand beside him, and Sam came over to flank his other side, and Dean felt a rush of warm gratitude toward them both. He knew they didn't even out the odds at all, but still, he was bolstered by their silent support and managed to bite out roughly, "Leave us the hell alone." Dean privately congratulated himself on not letting his voice shake.

Lucifer inclined his head slightly to one side, and Dean wondered if it was an angel thing. Not, he reminded himself hastily, that Lucifer was an angel, no matter how bright and pretty the bastard was. "You wouldn't be alive and breathing right now if I'd left you alone," he pointed out, and his voice reminded Dean of dark satin.

"What do you want?" he snapped, challenging the friggin' devil himself even though he had nothing to back the challenge with.

"Want?" Lucifer echoed, all guileless innocence as he spread out his hands, palms up. Dean didn't fall for it for a second. "All I wanted was to repay the favor. You and Sam have both done me a great service, after all," he continued, letting his eyes flicker over to Sam for the first time, and Dean could feel Sam tense beside him under the direct gaze.

His blood churned at Lucifer's reminder and he growled, "Go back to Hell."

Lucifer returned his attention to Dean and regarded him contemplatively for a moment before asking, "Why do you hate me, Dean?" And maybe it was because he was going insane, but for a moment Dean almost thought Lucifer sounded hurt.

The surrealism was almost enough to catch his tongue. "You're the goddamned devil," he said incredulously, wondering what the fuck Lucifer was playing at here.

Lucifer smiled suddenly, and fuck, but it was a charming smile. The motherfucking devil had motherfucking dimples, Dean thought stupidly, completely bewildered. "Tell me something, Dean," Lucifer said patiently. "Do you like God?"

Dean was so caught off guard he answered automatically, "No." Castiel shifted beside him but remained silent, and Sam didn't move a hair.

"Well, then," Lucifer replied, seeming quite pleased, "it seems we have something in common."

"Leave him alone," Castiel said dangerously, shifting on his feet again, and Dean could sense how restless he was.

"Hush, Castiel," Lucifer said, not unkindly, as though speaking to an unruly child. "I could snuff out your grace with two fingers as easily as I could a candle." It wasn't a threat, exactly; Dean got the impression he was merely pointing out to Castiel the futility of his demands.

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